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الموضوع: مراجعه 3 ث 2011

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    2 - 3 - 2009
    ساكن في
    قلين /كفر الشيخ
    النوع : ذكر Egypt

    افتراضي مراجعه 3 ث 2011

    مراجعه 3 ث 2011
    [size=18] 1- The Sitiuations
    1-Agreeing with an opinion
    I (completely) agree. Disagreeing with an opinion.
    I (completely) disagree
    I couldn't agree more.\ Yes, you are quite right. I don't agree./I'm not (so) sure. /I don't think so.
    2-Expressing Interest Expressing Surprise
    How interesting! \ Is that right? Really? I didn't know that. / Good Heavens!
    3-Asking for information السؤال عن معلومات Giving information إعطاء معلومات
    Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..? Yes, of course. / Yes, certainly.
    Can / Could you tell me ....? \What does "…" mean? Yes, that's fine..
    4-Asking for opinion Giving opinion
    What's your opinion about (modern novels)? I think that .. / In my opinion ..
    What do you think I should do to …? In my point of view ..As far as I am concerned ..
    6-Asking for Advice
    What do you think I should do to...? Giving Advice
    I think you should..
    Can you give me some advice about..? Why don't you..? / If I were you, I'd..
    7-Asking for Instructions Giving Instructions
    How can I operate (this coffee machine)? First, switch it on, then press the red button
    Can you show me how to (use this vacuum cleaner?
    How does (this machine) work? First, connect it to the electricity supply.After that,press the red button/First/Then./Next./\ Finally
    8-Language to deduce information
    Why do you think (they built the Suez Canal)? Making deduction
    I think they must have +PP………
    How do you think (they built the Suez Canal)? Well, they might have +PP………..
    What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building……….)? I'm sure it can't have been easy.
    Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.
    9-Making Suggestion
    How (What) about +v+ing..? \Let'sمصدر Responding to Suggestions
    That's a good idea.
    10-Asking for an explanation Giving an explanation
    Can you explain why…?/ How on earth…? Let me explain. \ I'll explain that to you.
    Do you know how…?Could you tell me how/why…? I'll try and explain.
    11-Wishesالأمنيات Regretsالندم
    I wish + فاعل + could/ would + مصدر
    I wish I had+ p.p ………My goal is to + مصدر I am sorry that ………I am disappointed that …………. I regret + v + ing …………
    12- Offer help عرض المساعدة Reply to offer الرد على عرض المساعدة
    1. Can I help you?
    2. Would you like me to مصدر ….?
    3. Shall I مصدر …………… for you? 1-That is very kind of you.
    2-Thanks very much.
    3-No, thank you .I can manage.
    13- Likesالحب Dislikesالكراهية
    I am a big fan of معجب بـ… I prefer/ love………
    I am fond of ……………………… I am not keen on ….. I don't enjoy ……..
    I can't stand………………… ( لاأطيق)
    14-Asking for reasons Giving reasons
    1-Can you tell me why... فعل + فاعل..? 2-What is the reason for….....? 3-What is the cause of…….....? 1-It is because….. 2- Firstly, because ………
    3- Mainly اساسا because …………
    15-Give warning Respond to Warning
    1- Be careful or you willمصدر 2- Don't مصدر-………
    3- Watch out! … = Beware ! …… احذر 1- It is OK . 2- Why not ?
    3- Don't worry I will take care. Thank you.
    16-Interview Questions Answers
    Do you have (a driving licence)? Yes, I do.
    What have you been doing since(you left university)? I have been working as …
    Could you tell me why you want to work for us? As I have the right qualifications for this job.
    Why do you think you'd be good at the job? As I'll enjoy meeting and talking to customers .
    17-Persuation Talking about the future
    1- Why don't you…..? 2- I really think you should .. 1 – I think …2 – I am sure.......3 – I hope ……
    18-Ability القدرة can مصدر\can’t مصدر \ am, is, are + (not) able to
    Necessityالضرورة must مصدر = have (has)to = have got to مصدر
    Unnecessity عدم الضرورة don't (doesn't) have to / needn't مصدر
    Warning \ Prohibition التحزير والتحريم mustn’t مصدر = You are not allowed to مصدر
    Probabilityالأحتمال may مصدر \ might مصدر \ could مصدر
    Advice النصيحة should مصدر = had better مصدر= If I were you.I..
    Blamingاللوم should (ought to)have + P.P. shouldn't have +pp
    Permissionاذن You can مصدر = You are allowed to مصدر

    2- A) The places and the Speakers
    places Speakers
    Clothes shop محل ملابس Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Shoe shop محل أحذية Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Toys shop محل لعب Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Camera shop محل كاميرات Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Coffee shop / café مقهى Waiter جرسون Customer زبون
    Pet shop محل لبيع الطيور و الحيوانات الاليفة Assistant بائع Customer زبون
    House plant shopمحل بيع نباتات الزينة Salesman بائع Customer زبون
    Butcher’s محل جزارة Butcher جزار Customer زبون
    Baker’s المخبز Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Grocer’s محل بقالة Grocer بقال Customer زبون
    Greengrocer’sمحل الخضر و الفاكهة Greengrocer الخضرى Customer زبون
    Fruit seller’s محل بيع الفاكهة Fruit seller الفكهانى Customer زبون
    Florist’s محل بيع الزهور Florist بائع الزهور Customer زبون
    Watchmaker’s محل الساعات Watchmaker ساعاتى Customer زبون
    Hairdresser’s محل كوافير Hairdresser كوافير Customer زبون
    Barber’s صالون حلاقة Barber حلاق Customer زبون
    Tailor’s محل ترزى Tailor ترزى Customer زبون
    Dressmaker’s محل ترزى سيدات Dressmaker خياطة Customer زبون
    Electrician’s محل كهربائى Electrician كهربائى Customer زبون
    Carpentry shop محل نجارة Carpenter نجار Customer زبون
    Library مكتبة(للقراءة / الاستعارة) Librarian أمين المكتبة Student/ Reader قارئ \ طالب
    Bookshop مكتبة لبيع الكتب Salesperson بائع Customer زبون
    Stationery shop مكتبة لبيع الأدوات Assistant = salesman بائع Customer زبون
    Bank بنك Bank manager مدير بنك
    Banker/bank clerk موظف بنك Businessman رجل أعمال
    Client عميل بنك
    Exchange desk مكتب صرافة Exchanger صراف Client عميل
    Company / Firm شركة
    Receptionist موظف استقبال
    secretary سكرتيرة Businessman رجل أعمال
    Manager مدير
    Company شركة
    Office مكتب Employee موظف
    Interviewer المحاورBossرئيس العمل Applicant متقدم لوظيفة
    Interviewee من تجرى معه المقابلة
    Classroom فصل مدرسى Teacher معلم Student طالب
    Science laboratory معمل العلوم Teacher معلم Student طالب
    University جامعة Employee موظف New student طالب جديد
    Laboratory معمل Researcher باحث Scientist عالم
    University lab معمل بالجامعة Professor أستاذ جامعة Researcher باحث
    Hotel فندق Hotel receptionist موظف استقبال Guest= resident نزيل Client زبون
    Factory مصنع Engineer مهندس Worker عامل
    Embassy سفارة Official موظف Applicant متقدم بطلب
    Museum متحف Visitor زائرTourist سائح Guide مرشد \ Security officer أمن
    Radio Studio أستوديو الإذاعة Interviewer محاور Interviewee من تجرى معه المقابلة
    Cinema سينما
    Theatre مسرح Cinema employee موظف بالسينما
    usher مرشد الجمهور A member of the public أحد الجمهور viewer = spectator مشاهد
    Restaurant مطعم Waiter جرسون Client زبون
    Lawyer’s مكتب محامى Lawyer محامى Client زبون
    Chemist’s/pharmacy صيدلية Chemist صيدلى Customer زبون
    Hospital مستشفى Doctor طبيب \ Surgeon جراح Patient مريض \ Visitor زائر
    Doctor’s / Clinic عيادة Doctor طبيب Patient مريض
    Oculist’s عيادة عيون Oculist طبيب عيون Patient مريض
    Dentist’s عيادة أسنان Dentist طبيب أسنان Patient مريض
    Optician’s محل نظارات Optician النظّاراتيّ Customer زبون
    Garage / Mechanic’s ورشة سيارات Mechanic ميكانيكى Driver \ Car owner صاحب سيارة
    Aliens’ department قسم مد الأقامة Official موظف Tourist سائح \Foreigner أجنبى
    Passport department قسم الجوازات Official موظف A member of the public/citizenمواطن
    Sinai desert صحراء سيناء Tour guide مرشد سياحى Tourist سائح
    Petrol (gas) station محطة بنزين Worker عامل Driver سائقCar ownerصاحب سيارة
    Police station مركز شرطة Officer ضابط Reporter مبلغ
    Railway station محطة سكة حديد Booking clerk موظف حجز traveller راكب \ Porter شيال
    Train قطار \ Bus أتوبيس Conductor كمسارى Passenger راكب
    Taxi تاكسى Taxi driver سائق تاكسى Passenger راكب
    Plane طائرة Air hostess مضيفة جوية Passenger راكب
    Check- in – desk مكتب المراجعة
    Airport مطار Check-in clerk موظف تفتيش TouristسائحBusinessmanرجل أعمال Passenger مسافر \ Porter شيال
    Egyptian citizen مواطن مصرى
    Computer service centre مركز كمبيوتر Computer technician فنى كمبيوتر Customer زبون
    Zoo حديقة حيوان Visitor / vet / طبيب بيطري زائر Friend /handler سايس/صديق
    Tourist placeمكان سياحي Guideمرشد Visitorزائر
    Opera house دار الأوبرا Viewer مشاهد Booking clerk موظف الحجز
    Ticket office مكتب تذاكر Booking clerk موظف الحجز Customer \ traveller زبون \مسافر
    Electronic company شركة إليكترونيات Customer زبون Salesperson بائع
    Post office مكتب بريد Customer زبون Official موظف
    Court محكمة Judge قاضى Witness شاهد
    Exhibition معرض Visitor زائر Guard حارس
    Club نادى Member of the public أحد الجمهور Receptionist موظف استقبال
    Stadium إستاد Spectator متفرج Another spectator متفرج آخر
    Beach البلاج
    Home منزل
    Kitchen مطبخ Host مضيف Hostess مضيفة
    Husband زوجMother الأم
    Father الأب Guest ضيف Visitor زائر
    Wife زوجة Daughte ابنة
    Son الابن
    Party حفلة Hostمضيف/Hostess مضيفة Guest ضيف
    Immigration department إدارة الهجرة Tourist سائح Official موظف
    Travel agency وكالة \ مكتب سفر Travel agent وكيل سفر
    Booking clerk موظف الحجز Customer زبون
    Traveler مسافر
    Airline office مكتب شركة طيران Ticket clerk موظف تذاكر Customer زبون
    Customs الجمرك Customs officer ضابط جمرك Passenger راكب
    Dry-cleaner's\Laundry’s مغسلة Customer زبون Assistant المساعد
    Jeweler's محل جواهرجى Jeweler جواهرجى Customer زبون
    Street شارع Policeman رجل شرطةTourist سائح Passer-by أحد المارة
    Telephone تليفون Customer زبون Landlord المالك
    Swimming poolحمام سباحة Pool attendant / trainee متدرب Instructor / Swimmerمعلم \ سباح
    Church كنيسة Priestكاهن/قسيس Prayerمصلي
    Mosqueمسجد Imam / sheikh امام / شيخ Prayerمصلي
    Block العمارة Renter / tenantمستأجر Landlordصاحب عقار
    Playground/stadium ملعب/ستاد Refereeحكم Playerلاعب
    Telephone switchالسنترال Operatorعامل التليفون Clientعميل
    Farm مزرعة Agronomist مهندس زراعي Farmerفلاح
    Fish market سوق السمك Fish sellerبائع سمك Buyerمشتري
    Shoe-repair shop محل صانع احذية Shoemakerصانع احذية Customerزبون
    Plumber's محل سباكة Plumberسباك Flat ownerصاحب شقة
    Accounting office مكتب محاسبة Accountant محاسب Tax-payer دافع ضرائب
    Multimedia lab معمل متعدد الوسائط Teacherمدرس Studentطالب
    Internet café مركز نت Assistantعامل Customerزبون
    Newsagent's محل بيع صحف Newsagentبائع الصحف Customerزبون
    Archaeological site موقع سياحي Tour guide مرشد سياحي Touristسائح
    Weather forecast النشرة الجوية Meteorological expert خبير ارصاد Viewers المشاهدين
    Broker's مكتب السمسار Customer/tenantزبون/مستأجر Brokerسمسار
    Morgue المشرحة Surgeonجراح Doctor traineeطبيب متدرب
    ورشة تشحيم auto lubricant workshop Attendant القائم بالخدمة Car ownerصاحب السيارة
    ورشة قطع غيار AutoParts Workshop Assistant بائع Car owner صاحب السيارة
    معرض سيارات Auto exhibition Managerمدير Customerزبون
    ملجأ Orphanage Managerمدير Donor متبرع
    مخبز Bakery / baker's Bakerخباز Customerزبون
    مكتب كومبيوتر Computer shop Computer programmer مبرمج Client عميل
    موقع بناء Building site Civil engineer مهندس مدني Worker عامل
    مكتب هندسي Engineering office Architectمهندس معماري Client عميل
    شارع Street Beggarشحات Passer-by عابر سبيل
    مكتب استعلامات Information desk Information clerk موظف استعلامات Passenger راكب
    مكتب جمارك Customs-house Customs officer ضابط جمارك Traveller مسافر
    النادي The club Trainer مدرب Athlete رياضي
    Examination room غرفة الامتحان Studentطالب Teacher/supervisor مدرس/مشرف
    Photo shop محل تصوير Photographerمصور Customerزبون
    The courtالمحكمة Judgeالقاضي Criminalمجرم
    Telephone switchكابينة تليفون Operator عامل التشغيل Client زبون
    Accounting office مكتب محاسبة Accountantمحاسب Tax payer دافع الضريبة
    Driving school مدرسة قيادة Instructorمعلم Driverسائق
    Monastery دير Monkراهب Prayerمصلي
    Pastry محل حلويات Salesmanبائع Customerزبون
    Nursery/kindergarten حضانة Baby sitterجليسة اطفال Child/parentsطفل / والدين
    The beach الشاطيء Holiday makerالقائم بالاجازة Touristسائح
    At the table على السفرة Mother/fatherام / اب Daughter/sonابنة / ابن
    Music hall قاعة للموسيقى Musicianموسيقي Listenerمستمع
    Bread kiosk كشك بيع خبز Sellerبائع Customerزبون
    Fire station المطافي Officer ضابط Fireman رجل مطافي
    Exchange officeمكتب صرافة Tellerصراف Clientعميل
    Multi media lab معمل وسائط Student طالب Teacher مدرس
    train station محطة قطار Porter شيال Passenger راكب
    Electronics' محل الكترونيات Salesman بائع Customer عميل
    Teachers' room حجرةالمدرسين A teacher مدرس Colleague زميل
    Art gallery معرض فنون Visitor زائر An artist فنان
    Embassy سفارة Official موظف An applicant متقدم
    Image center مركز تصوير Photographer مصور Customer عميل
    Beauty shopصالون تجميل Beautician مجمل Lady سيدة
    House بيت Landlord / land lady صاحب (ة) منزل Tenant مستأجر
    Kitchen مطبخ Mother ام Daughter ابنه
    Photoshop محل تصوير
    Movie location موقع تصوير Cameraman مصور
    Director مخرج Customer عميل
    Actor / actress ممثل / ممثلة
    Engineering office مكتب هندسة Architect مهندس معماري Client عميل
    Metro station محطة المترو Booking clerk موظف حجز Passenger راكب
    Mole مول تجاري Assistant بائع Customer عميل زبون
    Internet الانترنت Chatter السامر / المتحدث Friend الصديق
    Insurance company شركة تأمين Clerk موظف Customer عميل
    Orphanage دار أيتام Manager مدير Donor متبرع
    Agricultural society جمعية زراعية Agricultural engineer مهندس زراعي Farmer فلاح
    Broker's مكتب سمسرة Broker سمسار Customer زبون / tenant مستأجر
    TV / weather forecast النشرة الجوية Meteorological expert خبير ارصاد جوية Viewers مشاهدين
    Wedding reception صالة افراح Waiterجرسون Guest ضيف
    Furniture shop محل اثاث Assistant بائع Customer زبون
    Service center مركز صيانة Technician عامل فني Client عميل
    Telegram office مكتب تلغراف Office clerk موظف المكتب Member of the public احد العامة
    Tahrir Squar ميدان التحرير Corespondant -Reporterمراسل-مذيع A demonstrator متظاهر
    Ambulance اسعاف Paramedicمسعف Patientمريض
    مستر /عطيه خضرى عطيه
    قلين / كفر الشيخ

    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو misterattia

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    2 - 3 - 2009
    ساكن في
    قلين /كفر الشيخ
    النوع : ذكر Egypt


    2- B) The Functions
    Introducing people تفديم الناس
    Introducing yourself تقديم نفسك
    Greetings التحيات
    Seeing someone off توديع شخص
    Making a request عمل طلب
    Making an invitation عمل دعوة
    Making a suggestion عمل اقتراح
    Warning التحذير
    Offering help عرض المساعدة
    Asking for an opinion طلب رأي
    Giving opinion ابدا ء / اعطاء رأي
    Agreeing with an opinion الموافقة علي رأي
    Wishes الامنية
    Congratulation التهنئة
    Giving Advice اعطاء نصيحة
    Accepting advice قبول النصيحة
    Refusing advice رفض النصيحة
    Blaming someone اللوم علي شخص
    Permission الاذن
    Making an apology عمل اعتذار
    Asking about the way السؤال عن الطريق
    Regret الندم
    Asking for instructions طلب تعليمات
    Certainty التأكد
    Uncertainty عدم التأكد
    Making recommendations عمل توصية / تذكية
    Asking for information طلب معلومات
    Thanking الشكر
    Expressing gratitude التعبير عن العرفان
    Inquiring الاستفسار
    Polite remark عبارة مهذبة
    Expressing fear التعبير عن الخوف
    Expressing surprise التعبير عن الدهشة
    Expressing hope التعبير عن الامل
    Expressing anger التعبير عن الغضب
    Expressing pleasure التعبير عن السرور
    Expressing displeasure عدم السرور
    Expressing satisfaction التعبير عن الرضا
    Expressing sympathy التعبير عن المواساة
    Suspecting / doubt الشك
    Prediction التنبؤ
    Encouragement التشجيع
    Exclamation ! التعجب
    Reply / response الرد
    Saying goodbye الوداع
    Agreeing strongly الموافقة بقوة
    Disagreeing strongly عدم الموافقة بقوة
    Wanting ال الرغبة
    Disappointment `` الاحباط / خيبة الامل
    Persuading الاقناع
    Expressing admiration التعبير عن الاعجاب
    Expressing worry التعبير عن القلق
    Reminding التذكير
    Stating possibility التعبير عن الاحتمالية
    Deducing الاستنتاج
    Predicting التنبؤ
    Reassuring التأكيد
    Forgiving التسامح / العفو
    Well – wishing الامنية الجيدة
    Showing no care بيان عدم الاهتمام
    Ensuring التأكيد
    Giving direction اعطاء اتجاهات
    Giving a reason اعطاء سبب أو مبرر
    Greeting warmly التحية بدفء
    Ask and answer questions سؤال و اجابة اسئلة
    Request / offer help طلب او عرض مساعدة
    Giving instructions اعطاء تعليمات
    Stating preference التعبير عن ما نفضل
    Contrasting ideas افكار متناقضة
    Demanding explanations طلب ايضاح
    Saying you don't know القول بأننا لا نعرف
    Rejecting something رفض شئ
    Justifying your opinion تبرير الرأي
    Guessing التخمين
    Asking for information طلب معلومات
    Making complaints عمل شكوة
    Approval استحسان
    Late advise النصيحة في الماضي
    Concession تنازل
    Giving classification اعطاء تصنيف
    Showing responsibility ابداء مسئولية
    Probability الاحتمالية
    Release from blame الاعفاء من اللوم
    Intention النية
    Anxiety القلق
    Giving Orders اعطاء أوامر
    Liking & disliking الحب & الكراهية
    Presenting تقديم شئ
    On the phone علي التليفون
    Indifference عدم الاكتراث
    Meeting people after a long time مقابلة الناس بعد فترة طويلة
    Meeting people for the first time مقابلة الناس لاول مرة
    Declining الرفض
    Advising النصيحة
    Showing liking /disliking التعبير عن حب \ عدم حب
    Expressing complement التعبير عن المجاملة

    Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are :
    1 - A For homework, please do Exercises B and C on
    B- Could you repeat, please?
    A- Certainly. Exercises B and C on .page 64.

    2-A-What's the matter?
    B- I can't sleep well and I have difficulty going up or down the stairs'.
    A- Do you smoke?
    B- Yes, I smoke about 20 cigarettes a day.
    A- That's terrible. Let me examine your chest.

    3- A- May I have your attention, please? I hope you are enjoying the beautiful views of the Sinai desert?
    B- What's that huge building?
    A- It is the monastery of St Catherine.
    B-When was it built?
    A: It was built in the sixth century by Justinian, the Roman Emperor.

    4- A-May I see your ticket, please?
    B- Here you are.
    A-Seat 20A. The first row.
    B- Thank you.. What time does the film start?
    A: At 6.30.

    5- A. How quickly can you get me to the airport?
    B : It's a 40-minute drive using the 6th of October bridge.
    A : Can't you get there faster ? I'm very late.
    B : I know a shortcut that will get you there in 30 minutes and that will be for the same fare.
    A: Thank you very much for your help. Let's go.

    6- A- Passport and ticket, please.
    B- Here you are.
    A- Smoking or non-smoking?
    B- Non-smoking, please.
    A-Thank you. I've given you a window seat, 20B. Here's your boarding card.

    7- A- What time is the next train to Assiut?
    B- Nine thirty-five.
    A-Which platform?
    B- Platform twelve.
    A- Thanks a lot.

    8- A- Have you finished the work on my car?
    B- I'm afraid not. We haven't got the parts yet,
    A-Oh, that's a nuisance. When do you think it'll be ready?
    B- Well, we're getting the parts in the morning. You'll be able to collect the car
    tomorrow evening.

    9- A: How would you like to pay for it, sir? By credit or in cash?
    B- In cash.
    A- That's fine, sir. Shall I put it in a bag for you?
    B- No, thank you. It's very cold outside, so I think I'll wear it now.
    A- Certainly, sir.

    10 - A- Get your books out and turn to page 28.
    B- Excuse me, sir. Are we going to draw the map?
    A- Don't draw the map, just write the answers.

    11- A - Welcome, dear. What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?
    B- Tea, please.
    A- What about a piece of this cake? I made it myself this afternoon.
    B- It's delicious. Thank you.

    12- A- Excuse me, madam. May I have a look inside your handbag, please?
    B-What for?
    A- It's only security measures before boarding a plane.
    B-Well. Go ahead.

    13- A- May I take your order, sir?
    B- Yes, I'll have the grilled fish, please.
    A- How would you like it?
    B- Well done, please.
    A- Certainly, sir.

    14- A-Excuse me. I'd like to send this letter by Express Mail, please.
    B-Where to?
    A- Paris.
    B- You have to pay L.E; 15. -
    A- No problem. Here is the money.

    15-A-Can I help you?
    B- Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of shoes.
    A- What colour would you like?
    B- Black, please.

    16- A- We are going to talk about Imhotep in our history lesson.
    B- Who was Imhotep?
    A- He was an ancient Egyptian who lived in about 2650 BC.
    B- Why was he a very important politician?
    A- He was king Zoser's prime minister.
    17- A- I'd like to exchange some foreign currency.
    B- Dollars or Francs.
    A- American dollars.
    B- How much do you have?
    A - 500 dollars.

    18- A- It's nice to see you. I wish you a speedy recovery.
    B- Thanks a lot. It's kind of you to visit me.
    A- When will you leave?
    B- In two days' time.

    19- A- Keep silent, please. You shouldn't make any noise here. The people here need concentration during reading.
    B- I'm awfully sorry, sir.

    20 - A-1 haven't been feeling very well lately.
    B- What have you been suffering from?
    A-When reading I don't feel at ease.
    B- Don't worry. You must have a new pair of glasses. Let me examine your eyes.

    21- A- Excuse me, madam. Have you got anything to declare?
    B - To declare?
    A -I mean do you have any electrical devices such as computers or radio sets?
    B- No, I haven't got any.

    22- A- I've come to report the theft of my car.
    B- How did this happen?
    A-1 left it in a side street in Shubra Street and went shopping. When I came
    back after about an hour, I didn't find it.

    23-A-Can I help you?
    B- Yes, please. I'd like to have a cup of tea.
    A- How do you like your tea?
    B- With little sugar, please.

    24- A- How often is there a flight to Rome?
    B- We have flights to Rome every day.
    A- Are they non-stop flights?
    B- Yes. Direct to Rome.
    25- A- May I take your order?
    B- Yes, I'd like to have black coffee.
    A- Certainly. In no time, sir.

    26- A: I want to book a train ticket to Aswan.
    B: All right. The price is L.E. 40 one way and L.E. 70 return.
    A : I want it return, please.

    27- A : I don't know how to pronounce some English words
    B : Dictionaries are on the second shelf in the comer.
    You can look up the words using the special symbols that represent sounds.
    A : Thanks a lot. I'll take your advice.
    28- A car hit my car and broke its door.
    B : Have you got the number of the car ?
    A: Taxi 37645
    B : O.K. we'll fine the taxi - driver.

    29- A : I am fascinated by chemistry.
    B : That's fine, you can join our research team in the field of bacteriology.
    A : Alright. Thanks for your advice.

    30- A : I got to grips with the instructions for the new video player.
    B : I'm sure, you would be very pleased as you use our products.
    A : Thanks a lot for your help.

    31- A : Can I buy ten couples of colour birds ?
    B : Of course, after you fill in a form and pay the price.
    A : Where ?
    B : At the Zoo manager office on your left.

    32- A : I come from England.
    B : Are you coming for work ?
    A : Yes, I have some work in the New valley project near Siwa.
    B : I wish you would enjoy your stay. Don't forget to take dates back with you to
    England; they are the best dates.
    33- A : A thief broke into my house and broke the wooden window.
    B : I'll bring my tools and come to your house to repair it
    in half an hour's time.
    A : Thanks a lot, I'm waiting for you at home.

    34. A. I'd like to deposit LE 50 to my savings account, please.
    B. Of course. Just complete one of these forms and return to this counter.
    A. Where can 1 fill in this form ?
    B ? You can stand here on the side next to the queue.

    35- A : What time will you be checking out tomorrow ?
    B : I have to leave early to catch my flight. I'd like a 6 a.m. wake-up call.
    A : Well, you can check out tonight and 1 will arrange it. I hope you have
    enjoyed your stay with us.
    B : Yes, I have. Thank you.

    36- A. : How long have you been feeling unwell ?
    B : Since Thursday
    A : I see. Well, you need to go to bed, keep warm and rest for a few days. Take one
    these tablets : three times a day. They should bring your temperature down and
    with the headaches.
    B : Thank you.
    37- A. Excuse me, I'm interested in buying this skin but the price isn't marked on it.
    B : Just a minute. Let me check the price on the computer. Here you are.
    The price is LE 120
    A : This is really expensive. It's unbelievable. Do you offer any discounts.
    B : I'm sorry. All our prices are fixed.

    Some important expressions

    تقليل الاستهلاك Cut down consumption
    يبدا مشروع لحسابه Start a new business of his/her own
    سياسة الانفتاح الاقتصادى The economic open-door policy
    لايوجد قيود على... There are no restrictions on
    القانون يمنع الاتجار بالمخدرات The law bans trading in drugs
    ضروة حتمية Unavoidable necessity
    يجنى ثمار مجهوداته Reap the fruits of his efforts
    يتحمل المسئولية على عاتقه Bear the responsibility upon his shoulder
    الوقاية خير من العلاج Protection is better than cure
    للنهوض بالتعليم To upgrade education
    بسبب نقص الموارد المالية Due to lack in finance
    نقص الغذاء Food shortage
    لجمع شمل الامة العربية Close the ranks of the Arab nation
    يجب ان يكون هناك مساواة There should be equality
    يجب ان يلقيا معاملة متساوية They should receive equal treatment
    الناس اصحاب الدخل الثابتة People with fixed income
    لتخفيف اعباء المعيشة To reduce the burdens of living
    اساس لـ The base of
    ينقصه الخبرة Lack experience
    عجائب الدينا السبع Seven wonders of the world
    صناعات يدوية Handicrafts
    مدمر Destructive
    السياحة البيئية Ecotourism
    مجمعات صناعية Industrial complexes
    اصلى Original
    يبحث عن محرج من الازمة Seek a way out of this crisis
    يحارب الفساد Fight corruption
    مصر جزء لا يتجزا من الامة العربية Egypt is apart and a parcel of the Arab nation
    على تكلفة الدولة At the expense of the state
    يعطى اشارة البدء
    Give a start to
    قضايا العالم العربى The Arab world issues
    الاغلبية من The majority of
    الاقلية من The minority of
    المجتمع الدولى The international community
    ارتفاع طفيف فى الاسعار A sight rise in prices
    دول متخلفة Under-developing countries
    دول نامية Developing countries
    دول نامية Developed=advance countries
    شعار Slogan = motto
    القوى العاملة Labour force
    السوق المشتركة Common market
    استصلاح Cultivation
    الاراضى المستصلحة Cultivated lands
    راس المال Capital
    ارتفاع كبير فى الاسعار A great rise in prices
    تكاليف المعبشة الباهظة The high cost of living
    يعوق التنمية Hinder development
    يقف كعائق فى طريق التقدم Stand as obstacle in way of progress
    مصر هى مهد الحضارة Egypt is the cradle of civilization
    مهد الـ Is the birthplace of
    من اجل For the sake of
    عمل تطوعى Volunteer work
    من واجب It's the duty of…
    المسئولين People in charge
    نزيف الدم Blood-shedding
    وسائل النقل العام Public means of transport
    الادباء Men of letters
    نخبة من Selection of
    يحيا حياة سعيدة/كريمة/ بائسة Lead a happy/descent/miserable life
    يموت جوعا Die of hunger
    يكافح من اجل البقاء Struggle for survival
    يعرض حياته للخطر Expose their life to danger
    التميز ضد Discrimination against
    الاتصالات الاسلكية Wireless communication
    الغاية تبرر الوسيلة The end justifies the means
    ليست غاية و لكنها وسيلة It is not an end but a means
    رواد الحضارة Pioneers of civilization
    الدول المحبة للسلام Peace loving countries
    مخلص لـ Devoted to……
    مستعد ان يضحى بحياة لـ Ready to give his life to
    يضع نهاية لـ Put an end to/ put a stop to
    الاطفال المعاقين ذهنياً Mentally handicapped children
    العقل السليم فى الجسم السليم A sound mind in a sound body
    اسلحة الدمار الشامل Mass destruction weapons
    عواقب وخيمة Disastrous consequences
    الانفجار السكانى Population explosion
    الهجرة/يهاجر Immigration/immigrate
    التامين الصحى Health insurance
    يستغنى عن Do without = go without
    الاحتكار / يحتكر Monopoly / monopolize
    دور بارز Outstanding role
    معجزات علمية Scientific miracles
    النهضة الشاملة Comprehensive renaissance
    عوامل / عناصر Factors/ elements
    قوات حفظ السلام Peace-keeping forces
    النظام العالمى The world regime
    على قدم المساواة On equal footing with
    الاشياء تسير من السيىء الى الاسؤ Things go from bad to worse
    نحن نتعامل مع المشكلة We approach the problem,
    موقفنا تجاه القضايا Our attitude to the issue
    طموحات Aspirations
    تحرير المراة Emancipation of women
    للتصويت فى الانتخابات To vote in the election
    مسئول عن Take charge of
    ينظم مظاهرة ضد Organize a demonstration against
    يستمر فى الاضراب Go on strike
    اعمال همجية Acts of aggression
    الابرياء Innocent people
    يخطف Kidnap
    اعلان رسمى Official declaration
    عناوين الصحف The newspaper headlines
    و هذا يضر الاسلام و المسلمين This cause damage to Islam and Muslims
    يجب ان نقلع عن We mustn't give up
    ان الارهاب هو تهديد حقيقى لـ Terrorism is a real threat to …
    يضع حجر الاساس لـ Lay the foundation stone of…
    الاعتماد على الذات/ مقاومة الاحتلال self-dependence/occupation-resistance
    تقرير المصير Self-determination
    الاستغلال /يستغل Exploitation / exploit
    يحرم من Deprive of
    اتفاق غير مشروط Unconditional agreement
    يمنع انتشار الاسلحةالنووية Banning the spread of nuclear weapons
    تحت اشراف ..... Under the auspices of….
    لكى يخلص العالم من الارهاب In order to ride the world of terrorism
    التحرر من Liberation from…..
    على حافة حرب اهلية On the brink of a civil war
    الشعوب المتخلفة Backwards peoples

    @ كيف تتعامل مع قطعة الفهم:

    ليس هناك مادة علمية معينة يمكن الاعتماد عليها للتعامل مع قطع الفهم ولكن الممارسة والتدريب المكثف - ناهيك عن الثروة اللغوية - هم أفضل الوسائل وأنجحها للتمكن من هذا السؤال وإجادته واضعين فى الاعتبار التالى:
    1- إقرأ الأسئلة الواردة على القطعة وهذا يبين لك ما تدور حوله القطعة ويحدد لك المعلومات التى ستبحث عنها لاحقاً.
    2- إقرأ القطعة و لا تنزعج ولا تشغل بالك كثيراً بالمفردات أو الجمل الصعبة والغير واضحة الواردة فى القطعة.
    فالمفردات الصعبة واردة لا محالة…… وما يلزمك هو فهم المعنى العام وتطويع المفردات حسب موضوع القطعة لأن الكلمة يتغير معناها حسب السياق الواردة فيه. مع استخدام القدرة على التخمين.
     وقد تجد إيضاح لكلمة صعبة واردة فى قطعة ما فى العبارة التالية لها فمثلاً فقد وردت لفظة “the namaste" وهى لفظة صعبة ومعناها التصافح باليد فى امتحان 2003 مرحلة أولى تبعها الإيضاح التالى:
    “placing your two palms together with fingers pointed upwards”
    والمهارة هنا معرفة المعنى العام دون التوقف عند لفظ بعينه.
    3- وتنقسم أسئلة القطعة العادية comprehension إلى نوعين:
    الأول : س و ج وهنا يمكنك أن تكتب الإجابة بأسلوب القطعة أو أسلوبك الخاص أو الجمع بينهما.
    الثانى: هو سؤال الاختيارى وهنا عليك أن تكتب الإجابة المختارة فقط وتتطلب الإجابة على هذا السؤال مهارة عالية فى الفهم و التركيز
    رجـــاء: " قبل اختيار الإجابة الصحيحة تأكد أن الاختيارات الأخرى غير صحيحة بالمرة."
    4- تمهل فى استخلاص الإجابة من القطعة فقد تكون إجابة السؤال الأول فى الفقرة الثانية و ليس شرطاً أن تكون فى الفقرة الاولى.
    5- اكتب الإجابة الصحيحة فقط ولا تزيد لأن الزيادات المبالغ فيها والغير مطلوبة تقلل من الدرجة التى يضعها المصحح.
    6- التزم بالبناء السليم للجملة من حيث الزمن والضمائر وغيره
    7- افصل كل إجابة عن الأخرى بوضع خط بالقلم الرصاص
    8- تأنى فى فهم السؤال ولا تتعجل وتذكر أن فهم السؤال يعادل نصف الإجابة.
    9- راعى القواعد العامة قى الكتابة من علامات ترقيم وخلافه واجتهد فى تحسين الخط.
    10- واعلم أن قطعتى الفهم تمثلان خمس درجة الامتحان.
    نمـــــــاذج لقطـــــــــع الفهــــــــــم
    @ Read the passage then answer the following questions:-
    (1)- People may be divided into two types: winners and losers. Because our families and friends have a great influence on us as we grow, we are born helpless and dependent on our environment. Winners are able to change their situation and become independent by being responsible for their own lies. They don’t blame others for their mistakes. They do their own thinking, they listen to others, evaluate what they say, and then they make up their minds. Although they may fail at times, yet they keep self-confidence. Winners overcome their bad experiences. They enjoy work, play, food and the world of nature..

    They freely enjoy themselves but they can postpone it if duty calls. Losers, on the other hand never learn to take responsibility for their own lives. There are many causes why people can become losers: disease, poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships and bad experiences. These can interfere with the normal progress towards becoming a winner. But whereas winners fight theses situations, losers hang on to them, and use them as excuses. Losers usually feel anxious, unhappy and bored. They are afraid to try new things and often repeat their own mistakes again and again.
    Losers spend their lives waiting for something wonderful to happen to save them from their problems with their lives but never try to change .
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- What determines the life of the winners ?
    2- What does the underlined word ( these ) refer to ?
    3- Give a suitable title to the passage ?
    4- Find in the text words which mean :
    a) to put off until a later time b) to get in the way of
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- When winners fail at times, they ----------------------
    a) are afraid to try new things b) never keep their self – confidence
    c) spend their time waiting d) never repeat their own mistakes
    6- Losers are people who ---------------------------
    a) blame others for their mistakes b) overcome their bad experiences
    c) learn to take responsibility d) try to change
    7- Winners can change their own lives by ----------------------
    a) blaming others for their mistakes b) using their mistakes as excuses
    c) waiting for something wonderful d) being responsible for their own lives

    losers خاسرون influence تأثير blame يلوم
    evaluate يقدر- يقيم self-confidence ثقة بالنفس postpone يؤجل
    nutrition تغذية cruelty قسوة relationships علاقات
    (2) Did you think of money? Is it important to us or not? Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry. This means it must be, “durable, distinct, divisible and portable? “. When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal, which we call coins or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use .They will buy nothing, and a traveller might starve if he had none of the particular local “ money “ to exchange for food .
    Among isolated people, who are not often reached by traders from outside commerce usually means barter. This is a direct exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These things:
    Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in some primitive parts of the world today.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Which of the four qualities of money, do you think, is the most essential?
    2- How would you describe money at present?
    3- What does the underlined word (barter) mean?
    4- Give a suitable title for the passage?
    B) Choose the correct answer :

    5- In some isolated parts of the world money is ---------------------------
    a) needed for trading b) not needed for trading
    c) needed for buying thing d) wanted as coins or paper notes

    6- In some parts of the world today where
    coins and notes are of no use we can ---------------------------
    a) exchange goods b) use local money only
    c) use any other money d) buy nothing

    7- According to the passage, everyone in the isolated parts needs ---------------
    a) only salt to flavour food b) iron and copper to make into tools
    c) salt , shells , iron and copper d) tools and vessels

    Philosopher فيلسوف durable متين distinct متميز
    divisible قابل للقسمة portable قابل للحمل isolated منعزل
    grain حبوب(ذرة ) manufactured مصنّع ornaments حلى - تحف

    (3) One day, I was standing outside an underground station in London waiting for a friend, when I saw two men. One was sitting on the pavement. His clothes were old and dirty and had a hat in front of him. As people passed by , he said, “ Can you give me some change, please ? “ A few people tossed some coins into the hat but mist people ignored him.
    The other man was wearing a suit and holding plastic petrol can. He stopped people and told them his car had run out of petrol and he had forgotten his wallet. He asked them to lend him some money for petrol. Most people happily gave him money. Some gave him coins, but most gave him notes. I watched him for ten minutes. In that time he collected a lot of money. He put it in his pocket, but he did no go to the petrol station. It became clear to me that both men were beggars. The one in the dirty clothes needed money more than one in the suit. But the one in the suit was much more successful. Isn’t that strange?
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Why was the writer standing outside the station?
    2- Which man collected the most money?
    3- Did the man in the suit really have a car which had run out of petrol?
    4- What does the pronoun “it “in bold refer to?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- “Most people ignored him “means people ----------------------------
    a) shouted at him b) refused to give any money
    c) walked past without looking at him d) moved quickly
    6- People ----------------- the second man’s story.
    a) didn’t believe b) believed c) doubted d) knew
    7- The man in the suit asked people to ------------------ him money.
    a) take b) borrow c) spend d) lend

    pavement رصيف toss يقذف change الفكة
    ignore يتجاهل beggar شحات dirty قذر
    (4) The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is a retired army officer and his wife still working for the nearby university. They are very hospitable and usually invite their friends to lunch. It is particularly enjoyable to wake up a Friday morning to the sounds of their music playing which are really quite artistic. However, I also love to hear them laughing when they make a mistake in their music playing. Besides music, carpentry is still man’s main interest, and most days he is outside in his work space in the garden, making an artistic piece of furniture.
    My neighbours are ideal to live next door, too, because they can very helpful if I need them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and I behave with them in the same way. We have helped each other with numerous emergencies such as fire and car accidents. We also co-operate with each other in little ways such as bringing the mail, when one of us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me over for coffee, with some of their friends who are usually very interesting people: poets, painters, professors and other lively persons whom I enjoy meeting. Sometimes we go to the fireworks display. Apart from this, we simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by side.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Give one reason why the writer likes his neighbours.
    2- What hobbies do the writer’s neighbours practice?
    3- Why does the write respect his neighbours?
    4- Why the writer’s are neighbours ideal?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- The underlined word “usually “means -----------------------
    a) always b) never c) seldom d) many times
    6- At the neighbours’ house, the write meets ----------------------
    a) interesting people b) uninteresting people
    c) soldiers and artists only d) officers and professors only
    7- The underlined words “little ways “refer to -------------------
    a) short roads b) not long streets
    c) personal business d) simple services offered

    retired متقاعد hospitable مضياف artistic فنى
    carpentry نجارة ideal مثالى private خاص
    (5) Amal and Hassan, a newly married couple, were poor. Hassan’s wage enough to rent only a very small flat. But there were two things of which each was proud ! Amal had the longest and most beautiful hair and Hassan possessed a magnificent gold pocket-watch, given to him by his
    father. Amal always noticed sadly, when he looked at this watch fixed to the buttonhole of his coat by a common old leather strap. He really needed a gold chain. Hassan often thought if only he could buy her a jeweled comb to hold her long hair in place.
    Now, it was the feast, Hassan and Amal began to think what present they could afford to give each other. Amal had a wonderful idea. She ran down the street to the shop with the notice : “ Hair bought “ . She entered and an hour later walked out of the shop richer by five hundred dollar but without her hair. She bought a chain to suit Hassan’s watch and wrapped it in a piece of coloured paper.
    When Hassan saw her hair, he was speechless. Amal cried, “It will grow again very quickly”. I had to sell it buy your present. She produced the parcel from behind her back. Opening it laughed until tears came into his eyes. He had sold his watch to buy a jeweled comb for her hair. Amal smiled and said. “Ours are the best feast presents in the world “.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Show that Hassan and Amal led a hard life?
    2- What did Amal’s sacrifice show?
    3- Why was Hassan deeply moved?
    4- Give a title to the passage.
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Amal sold her hair ------------------------ the feast.
    a) exactly on b) one day before
    c) two days d) one day after
    6- When Hassan saw Amal without her long hair he felt ------------------
    a) happy b) angry c) shocked d) ashamed
    7- The underlined word “ It “ refers to ----------------------
    a) Hassan’s watch b) Amal’s hair
    c) the feast d) the chain
    couple زوج possess يمتلك magnificent رائع
    Pocket-watch ساعة جيب buttonhole عروة زرار strap طوق - رباط
    chain سلسلة feast عيد wrap يلف
    comb مشط للشعر parcel لفة presents هدايا

    (6) It was the end of the summer holiday and Nadia was worried. She had still not done her homework. Nadia had missed the day of school because she had been ill . She had phoned her friend Azza and asked what homework their teacher had set for the summer holiday. Azza had told her that teacher had asked them to write a composition. Nadia had written down the title. It was “The best things in life are three “
    Nadia didn’t know what to write. When she thought about the best things in life, they didn’t seem to be “ three “ at all . She thought about her parents. There were two of them. Her brothers and sisters, there were four of them. She thought about happiness, love, nature. She couldn’t count these at all. On the first day school, Nadia’s teacher asked her to read her composition to the class. Nadia stood up and began. “I don’t think the best things in life are three at all, “she said. “ I think they are things you can’t count “The other students stated to laugh. “ Nadia “said her teacher gently. “ The title of the composition was: The best things in life are free. “
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Why wasn’t Nadia at school when the teacher set the homework?
    2- Why did the rest of the class laugh when Nadia started to read her composition?
    3- What does the word “It “in the first paragraph refers to?
    4- Do you agree that the best things in life are free? Why?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Nadia communicated with Azza by ----------------------------
    a) phone b) letter c) e-mail d) message
    6- Nadia’s teacher was -------------------- with Nadia.
    a) happy b) pleased c) angry d) worried
    7- Nadia disagreed with the title of the composition because -------------------
    a) She wrote it down wrongly
    b) She couldn’t count the best things in life
    c) She didn’t want to write the composition
    d) She didn’t have time to write the composition.

    composition فقرة nature الطبيعة free مجانى
    (7) Your goal is something that you want to do. First you should decide what that goal is. Do you want to pass an exam? Do you want to be a doctor? Do you want to be wealthy? Think about what you want and decide on your goal. You should write your goal on a piece of paper. Put your goal poster on your wall and look at it everyday. Then decide what you have to do to achieve your goal.
    Some people never reach their goal because they think it is impossible. You should think positively. Don’t think “the exam is difficult and I will probably fail it, “instead you should think “The exam is difficult, but I have worked hard and will pass it “. People who think negatively seldom reach their goals, so be positive!
    We are most successful at things we enjoy. So you should try to enjoy your work. Look at your goal poster. Think how happy you will be when you have reached your goal. Think about that happiness while you are working and you will enjoy your work.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- What is a goal ?
    2- What does the underlined word (it) refer to?
    3- How can you learn to enjoy your work?
    4- Do you agree with the advice of the writer?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- The best title for the passage is -----------------------
    a) How to be a doctor b) Three ways to reach your goal
    c) The best way to pass an exam d) How to make a goal poster
    6- “You should think positively “mean that you should “------------
    a) realize that it is difficult to reach your goal
    b) work harder
    c) be confident and optimistic
    d) learn to take responsibility
    7- The opposite of positive is -----------------------
    a) negative b) responsive c) relative d) possessive

    positively بإيجابية negatively بسلبية seldom نادرا

    (8) Scientists believe that there is a number of reasons for climatic changes. One reason could be the changes in the amount of heat which actually comes from the sun at different times. Another could be volcanic dust. People have also been adding gases such as carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. These are called greenhouses because they hang in the atmosphere around the Earth like the roof and walls of a greenhouse. The Earth receives heat and light from the sun sends this back into space as infrared radiation. Much of this radiation cannot pass through the greenhouse gases and this causes increased temperatures near the Earth.
    The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing mainly because all countries burn fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. The destruction of the big rain forests, which absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, makes matters worse.
    What can be done to prevent this situation? Global warming is a problem that affects every country and every person in the world. First of all, all governments must agree to stop the destruction of the world’s rain forests. Secondly, they must agree to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that transport and industries emit into the atmosphere. And we can all play a part as individuals. We should all try to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere. This can be done by driving fuel- efficient cars. The best way people can help is to use public transport as much as possible instead of their cars. And finally, we should plant more trees in the cities and on farms to give us back the air we need.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- What are the reasons for climatic changes?
    2- What does the underlined word this refers to?
    3- Why does the amount of carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere?
    4- Give a title to the passage?
    B) Choose the correct answer :

    5- If the amount of carbon dioxide doubles, the average temperature will --------
    a) decrease b) reduce c) increase d) raise
    6- To help, people can use ----------------
    a) their private cars b) their old buses
    c) private cars and bicycles d) public transport
    7- Trees are important because they -------------------
    a) take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide
    b) absorb infrared radiation
    c) absorb carbon dioxide
    d) take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen
    climatic مناخى volcanic بركانى hang يتعلق
    atmosphere الغلاف الجوى radiation إشعاع fossil fuel وقود عضوى
    absorb يمتص destruction تدمير public transport النقل العام

    (9) You have got some things that are complicated and you don’t know much about them. Your tongue is about 10 centimeters long. It is covered with taste buds. These are tiny nerve endings, which enable you to taste your food. Babies are born with taste buds all over their mouths. Theses gradually disappear as they grow older leaving only those on the tongue. An adult has about 1.000 taste buds.
    We can taste our food when saliva, a liquid produced by the mouth, dissolves chemicals in the food and washes them over taste buds. There are four basic tastes: Sweet, sour, salt and bitter. All the taste buds can detect all these tastes to some extent, but different areas of the tongue detect different tastes best.
    Sweet tastes such as sugar, are best detected by the taste buds at the tip of the tongue. Salt is detected by those at the front sides of the tongue. The taste buds along the edges at back of the tongue are good at detecting sour tastes, such as lemon, and those on the back of the tongue detect bitter tastes such as coffee. There are no taste buds in the center of the tongue.
    The tongue is also used in speaking. The combined action of the tongue, throat, mouth and lips changes the sounds into words.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1-Name the four taste types mentioned in the passage and give an example of each.
    2- How does saliva help us to taste food?
    3- What does the underlined word (those) refer to?
    4- What is different about the way a baby tastes from the way an adult tastes?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Which one of these is not a liquid? --------------------
    a) saliva b) water c) salt d) lemon juice
    6- The center of the tongue ------------------------
    a) tastes food b) doesn’t taste food
    c) is found in adult’s mouth d) tastes sour food
    7- The function of the tongue is to --------------------
    a) taste food only
    b) taste food and change the sounds into words
    c) make words only d) make sounds only
    complicated معقد tongue اللسان buds براعم
    gradually تدريجيا adult بالغ detect يكتشف
    sour حمضى combine يتوحد lips شفاه

    (10) El-Arish is one of the most important cities in Sinai . It has always been the gateway to Egypt and so it has been used by invading armies as far back as the Turks and Romans. These armies have destroyed a great deal of Arishi traditional culture . For example, there are hardly any original Arishi houses left. They used to be built around an open courtyard, but nearly all of them have, by now, been destroyed.
    Nowadays, there are plans to develop the region. There will be no industrial complexes and huge cities. The developments will follow a “green “approach, and agriculture, fishing and tourism will be the key to the region’s development.
    North Sinai Bedouins have not been nomads for some time as they could not travel because of restrictions at borders. Nowadays, many Bedouins own farms on land which has been reclaimed from the desert. Other settled Bedouins became fishermen in Lake Baradawil. There has been a change in the lives of many Bedouin Women. In the old days, they were only allowed to look after the family and some of its animals. Now, many are managing their own businesses producing traditional handcrafts, such as carpets and cloth.
    Because of the absence of historic sites in the area, the planners are going to use its unpolluted environment to attract tourists. Tourists like unpolluted areas, therefore all new projects will protect the environment. This approach is called Ecotourism . Ecotourism will not only be good for the economy, it will help to protect our national heritage.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- How will North Sinai be developed in the future?
    2- Why have most North Sinai Bedouins become settled?
    3- What changes have come to the lives of many Bedouin women?
    4- What is the meaning of Ecotourism? Why is it important?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- ------------------ destroyed most Arishi culture.
    a) Turks b) Invading armies c) Romans d) The courtyard
    6- Traditional houses were built around and open -----------------------
    a) courtyard b) culture c) green approach d) environment
    7- The planners are going to use unpolluted environments to attract tourists owing to ------
    a) the absence of historic sites b) protecting the environment
    c) approach the tourists d) producing traditional handcrafts

    gateway بوابة invade يغزو region منطقة
    approach يقترب nomads بدو Bedouins بدو
    handicrafts حرف يدوية absence غياب ecotourism سياحة المعالم

    (11) In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we the right to use animals in laboratory experiments? Using animals in medical research has many benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for diseases like smallpox without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals. Which is more important, the life of a rat that of a three year old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using animals in research, any more than it can be used as a reason for experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages and they may be unable to move. Animals have the same rights as humans do, to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them . We can use computer modeling instead of animals in research laboratories to save animals’ life.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Why is animal research useful?
    2- How do animals suffer during experiments?
    3- What is the other way that can be used instead of experimenting on animals?
    4- Are you with or against using animals
    B) Choose the correct answer:
    5- According to the passage, some people support using animals in research because the think that ------------------
    a) the life of people is more important than the life of animals .
    b) animals are harmful creatures .
    c) many people do not like animals .
    d) animals do not suffer during experiments .
    6- The idea against using animals in research is that ------------------
    a) the life of animals is more important than the life of humans .
    b) people should help to increase the number of animals .
    c) researcher have to use animals in their medical research .
    d) animals have the same rights as humans do .
    7- An appropriate title for this passage would be ----------------------
    a) Scientific Research b) Research Laboratories
    c) Animal Rights d) Human Rights
    right حق medical طبى researchers باحثين
    benefit مصلحة force يجبر على pain ألم

    (12) On leaving, Mrs. Madga gave last minute instructions to the new baby-sitter, a young girl of seventeen whose main work was to look after the baby. The girl had never done this work before and Mrs. Magda was a little bit anxious. “Make yourself comfortable, Soha. “ Mrs. Magda said “I’ve prepared a tray of food and fruit for you. It’s on the table. You can, of course, listen to the radio or watch the television, but don’t have it on too loud because it might wake our little baby. Sound moves terribly in this house. If the boy wakes up, go to his room and stay with there until he goes back to sleep. Anyway, he’s two years old so you shouldn’t have any trouble. My husband and I will than they had expected. They heard the sound of TV. A light was still on in the living room. The little baby was crying loudly. His face was living room immediately and came out, holding the baby who very hungry.

    “What is she doing there? Where is Soha? She is fast asleep! She has eaten all the food here! “
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Why was Mrs. Magda worried about the baby-sitter?
    2- What did Mr. & Mrs. Kamal find when they returned home?
    3- What instructions did Mrs. Magda give the baby-sitter?
    4- Was Soha a good baby-sitter or a bad one? Why?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Although Mrs. Magda gave strict instructions to the baby-sister, she ---------
    a) forgot them b) carried them out
    c) neglected them d) followed them
    6- When Mrs. Magda returned home, she was surprised because ---------------
    a) the baby-sitter was awake .
    b) the television was on .
    c) there was a light in the living – room .
    d) the baby was crying and Soha was fast asleep
    7- Mrs. Magda came home --------------------------
    a) before five b) after five c) at give d) at half past four

    instructions تعليمات tray صنية return يعود
    (13) It was believed that being overweight was healthy but nowadays few people agree to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being performed concerning appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give us the ability to understand how deal with weight problems. For example, when several people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44% said they reacted to stressful situations by eating
    Further investigations of both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension, but rather the act of chewing. A test showed that extremely fat people have a high sense of taste, and love more flavored food than thin people. When deprived of the variety of tastes, extremely fat people are not satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfil this need. Exercise has been recommended as an important part of weight-loss programmes. However, it has been found out that mild exercise is a way of losing weight because using the stairs instead of the lift is better in the long run than taking on a severe programme such as running slowly ( jogging ). Many people find jogging difficult to continue over long periods of time, it also increases appetite.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1-What is the main idea of the passage?
    2-What is the best treatment for overweight, according to writer’s point of view?
    3-What are the two kinds of exercises that help lose weight?
    4-How does eating relieve tension?
    B) Choose the correct answer:
    5- One of the emotional factors which control appetite is -------------------------
    a) jogging b) chewing c) eating d) stress
    6- When fat people are deprived of the variety of taste they --------------------
    a) lose weight b) practice exercises c) eat more d) use flavours
    7- The word “ further “ in the passage means -----------------------
    a) more b) super c) greater d) extreme

    overweight وزن زائد viewpoint وجهة نظر stress ضغط
    biochemical بيوكيميائى emotional عاطفى investigate يتحقق من
    indicate يوضح tension توتر sense حاسة
    chewing المضغ recommend يرشح jogging تمشية

    (14) Samer lived with his parents until he was twenty-four years old, and then he got a job in an office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He found a little flat and lived there on his own. At first he cleaned it himself, but after a few weeks he asked Mrs. Leila to help him. She promised to come to clean his flat for an hour every morning. After she had been working for Samer for two weeks, one evening, he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought, “That mirror looks very dusty. Mrs. Leila's forgotten to clean it, I can write on the dust with my finger! “
    Before he left for work in the morning he wrote this message on the dust “I cough whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty! “ When he got home that evening, he looked at the mirror and wondered why she hadn’t cleaned it. Then he bent down and saw a bottle in front of the mirror. He picked the bottle up and looked at it carefully. Mrs. Leila had written some words on it. He read the words “Cough Medicine “and he couldn’t make head nor tail.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Why did Samer leave his parents’ home?
    2- What caused Samer to cough?
    3- How did Samer know that Mrs. Leila had read his message?
    4- What do you think Mrs. Leila? Why?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Samer found the mirror dirty, after Leila had been working for --------------
    a) a fortnight b) a year c) a month d) fifteen days
    6- To ask Mrs. Leila to clean the mirror, Samer --------------------
    a) wrote a letter b) telephoned her
    c) wrote a letter d) spoke to her
    7- When Samer read the words on the bottle he ------------------
    a) took the medicine b) was happy
    c) was interested d) was confused
    15- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    During a recent car trip, I pulled into a rest area and was approached by a dirty man who asked for money to get petrol for his car. I rejected his appeal rationalizing that to give money to beggars would be to encourage a practice already on a disturbing rise in our country.
    Later, I had a change of heart. I handed the man ten pounds and wished him well, but I couldn’t bring myself to grasp the outstretched hand he offered in appreciation. People begin and end almost every interaction with handshakes. Handshaking has become a thing of the past and increasingly dangerous, too. Risks associated with handshaking have become more threatening than the mere passing of germs from one person to anther. It is true that diseases such as hepatitis can not be passed from one person to another through a simple handshake. But what about cold viruses? Rather than risk our health unnecessarily, we might adopt an alternative to handshaking, The “ namaste “ – placing your two palms together with fingers pointed upward – is used throughout much of the world as a display of respect when greeting someone. Similarly, the military salute would permit us to greet each other without touching. As a possible compromise between the “ namaste “ and the salute, we might consider the familiar Japanese bow .
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1- Why does the writer think handshaking is a bad habit?
    2- Why did the writer hesitate to give money to the man?
    3- What is the advantage of a military salute?
    4- Are you with or against handshaking? Why?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- According to the writer, we ----------------- get cold viruses by handshaking.
    a) can b) can never c) couldn’t d) never
    6- “ I couldn’t bring myself to grasp the outstretched hand “ means that writer ------------------------------ hands .
    a) stretched his b) shook c) didn’t shake d) was able to shake
    7- There are --------------------------- alternatives to handshaking.
    a) no b) two c) three d) four

    approach يقترب من reject يرفض appeal نداء
    rationalize يبرر disturbing مزعج outstretched ممدود
    associated مرتبط palm راحة اليد military salute التحية العسكرية
    hepatitis التهاب الجلد compromise تسوية bow ينحنى

    16- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    Video and television are responsible for the declining interest in reading among the young. While they may be harmless in themselves, they do nothing to build up reading skills. If some of the hours children spend watching television were devoted to reading, they population would be better educated.
    Watching a story is a totally passive pastime. Someone else has made the decisions about everything in the story. Reading a story is an active partnership between writer and reader. Ideas are sketched and the mind of the reader creates the rest . Watching something is easier.
    The problem is that many children read very slowly. They decode a page or two in a class and about the same again for homework. It is hardly surprising that such children then declare that they find reading boring and prefer to watch television. Their difficulty is not reading the words-it is interpreting them. They need to be able to read fast enough to feed the mind’s hunger for a story. That means practice. Only by reading daily will a child become a strong and independent reader.
    Parents need to be convinced of the importance of preventing their children from wasting their hours on inert viewing. Without the television the child is likely to turn to books for entertainment.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- What is the writer’s main objection to video and TV?
    2- Why is watching a story easier than reading it?
    3- How can children be good readers?
    4- The writer believes that visual images, such as watching television, spoil the imagination. Do you agree? Why?
    B) Choose the correct answer:
    5- The underlined pronoun “they “refers to -----------------------
    a) the young b) video & television
    c) children d) reading skills
    6- The writer says that population would be better educated if children --------
    a) do their homework b) watch TV
    c) read much b) read slowly
    7- According to the writer’s view, TV is ------------- means of entertainment
    a) not an effective b) an encouraging
    c) an effective d) not a cheap
    declining انهيار pastime تسلية interrupt يقاطع
    daily يوميا convince يقنع inert جامد – غير فعال

    17- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    The ancient Greeks always asserted that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a well-balanced life. Nowadays many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to spots, and some schools are removing it altogether. Although academic subjects are certainly a very important part of the school curriculum, I am strongly opposed to the complete removal of sports.
    Firstly, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas. For that reason, it is just as important to provide sports practice for the professional sportsmen and women of the future, as it is to provide academic training to those who will go on to university.
    In addition, students these days spend long hours studying or working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during the school day. This will not help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer, and thus achieve better result.
    In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports should remain a key part of the school curriculum. All children have the right to get a balanced education, and they should not be deprived of the opportunity to learn how to play sports.

    A) Answer the following questions :
    1-Does the write support or oppose the issue of increasing sport time at schools?
    2-In your opinion, how could practicing sports at schools help students later in
    University and at work?
    3-Why is it important to practise sports during the school day?
    4-What should not children be deprived of?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Which statement is not true?
    a) Sports encourage team spirit b) Sports give the chance to be physically fit.
    c) Sports help students become more successful d) Sports lead to overweight
    6- The ancient Greeks believe that:
    a) There is a connection between intelligence and a strong boy
    b) Well-balanced food is important
    c) There is a negative effect of sports on the body
    d) Studying is more important than sports .
    7- The word “key “means ------------------------------------
    a) lock b) necessary c) clue d) guide
    assert يؤكد academic أكاديمي - متخصص curriculum منهج
    removal إزالة remain يظل deprive of يحرم من

    18- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    Over the past twenty years, computers and the internet have become more and more important to us. In fact, depending on computer technology continues to grow everyday. We seem to use computers for almost everything these days, in shopping, driving our car or, communicating with relatives and colleagues.
    This explosion in computer technology has resulted in a rush to install computers in every classroom and to “wire “every school to the Internet. In the USA, between 1984, and 1997 alone, the number of computers in secondary schools increased to more than 8 million nits, Both educators and students alike have been forced to keep up with this new wave of technology. Teachers have found that even though they themselves are still trying to learn the most basic of computer skills, they are expected to teach students about computer know-how.
    Few people would question the role that computers could play in education. Some educators claim that students given the opportunity to use them in a classroom setting will get better grades than those who learn without having had any computer experience. These people say that just as computer technology has improved the way cars work, computers will make the classroom a better place to teach concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter, more successful adults.
    A) Answer the following questions :
    1-How could computers help students become more successful?
    2-Give an example from the passage that shows that computers have been
    widely used in secondary education .
    3-Give some examples of everyday uses of computers in our life.
    4-In your opinion, what are the possible disadvantages of using computers in education?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Teachers are expected to teach students how to use computers although
    a) they know to use computer.
    b) they are still learning how to use computers.
    c) they know all the basics of computer skills .
    d) they are forced to use.
    6- “Few people would question the role that computers could play “means………
    a) Many people are certain about the importance of computers
    b) Some people ask questions about computers
    c) Not many people doubt the importance of computers
    d) Some people want more computers
    7- The expression “keep up with “means -------------------------.
    a) keep in touch b) support c) manage d) continue to learn

    relatives أقارب colleagues زملاء wire يوصل
    keep up with يساير grades درجات concepts مبادىء

    19- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband would not be back until late and decided to settle down in a comfortable armchair in the living-room and read a book. I put the children to bed early and prepared cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a tray full of food before me and a book at my side.
    I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I dropped my knife and fork and hurried to answer it. By the time I got back the living-room, my coffee had got cold. After I finished my supper, I began drinking cold coffee with book open at page one. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. It gives me such a surprise that I spilt the coffee and an ugly stain on my skirt. A stranger has lost his way and wanted me to direct him. It took me ages to get rid of him. At length I managed to sit down again and actually read a whole page without further interruption until the baby work up. He began crying loudly and I rushed upstairs. They baby was still awake at 11 o’clock when my husband came home. I could have screamed when he asked me if had spent a pleasant evening!
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- How did the writer intend to spend her evening?
    2- Why did writer’s food and drink become cold?
    3- What do the underlined words “At length “mean?
    4- Did the writer live in a flat or in a villa? How do you know?
    B) Choose the correct answer:
    5- The child slept ---------------------------------
    a) late b) early c) at 11 o’clock d) at noon
    6- When the writer’s husband returned, she was -------------------------
    a) nervous b) pleased c) happy d) ugly
    7- The writer read -------------------------------------
    a) no pages b) five pages c) only one page d) 11 pages

    tiring متعب armchair كرسى بمسند fork شوكة ( طعام)
    knock خبطة interruption مقاطعة scream يصرخ
    مستر /عطيه خضرى عطيه
    قلين / كفر الشيخ

    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو misterattia

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    2 - 3 - 2009
    ساكن في
    قلين /كفر الشيخ
    النوع : ذكر Egypt


    20- Read the following and then answer the questions :
    There is no doubt that Egypt has every reason to be proud of its ancient civilization that has yielded wonderful remains and monuments. These have captured people’s admiration and high appreciation everywhere all over the world. Moreover, tourism is one of the main sources of income and hard currency that is badly needed to carry out investment projects. When tourists are well treated, satisfied and pleased with their visits in Egypt, they will, no doubt, speak well of Egypt. The result will be that more and more tourists will come to our country, so tourists themselves can be good propaganda for Egypt.
    In order to attract tourists to Egypt, tourist offices in our embassies in Europe, America and Asia should distribute well prepared booklets and brochures that contain full and exciting information about the old Egyptian legacy and its effects on other civilizations. Places of interest and services that could be offered to help tourists enjoy their tour should also be included.
    Ancient remains as well as new discoveries of antiquities should be described in an attractive manner. Moreover, art’s history museums as well as Egyptian civilization museums should be set up in capitals of European and American countries. More important still is the necessity of offering all possible facilities to tourists as soon as they set foot in Egypt. We have to be sure that tourists feel that their stay is enjoyable, comfortable and without any troubles. Tourist police should stop any nuisance that would spoil tourists’ enjoyment and safety.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1-How can tourists be a good propaganda to attract more tourists to the country?
    2-What role could tourist offices play in other continents?
    3-Why is tourism important for our country?
    4-What should tourist police do?
    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5- Egypt is proud of its ancient civilization because ------------
    a) tourists are very well treated, satisfied and pleased
    b) it brings us hard currency
    c) it has attracted people’s admiration and high appreciation everywhere
    d) booklets contain exciting information about monuments
    6- Tourist offices in our embassies abroad should -------------
    a) carry out investment projects
    b) distribute brochures that tell about the old Egyptian legacy
    c) afford all possible facilities to tourists as soon as they set foot in Egypt
    d) stop any nuisance that would spoil tourist’s enjoyment and safety
    7- Egyptian civilization museums should --------
    a) be we prepared in booklets.
    b) be set up in Europe and the United States.
    c) be limited to be a source of income.
    d)be set up in foreign capitals all over the world.

    civilization حضارة admiration إعجاب appreciation تقدير
    propaganda دعاية remains آثار antiquities تحف

    (21) Many people have been recently discussing the use of seat belts while driving their cars. Although seat belts have been shown to save lives, people give a number of reasons for not using them.
    First, many people think that they are a nuisance; they say that the belt is uncomfortable and inhibits freedom of movement. Second, many people are lazy. For them, it is too much trouble to put on and adjust a seat belt, especially if they are only going a short distance. Third, many people believe they will not have an accident because they are clever and careful drivers. They think that they are able to avoid Accidents. Finally, some people are worried the seat belts may trap them in their cars and prevent them from running away. If they have an accident, they may not be able to get out of a car that is burning, or they may be unconscious. In spite of all these reasons, statistics prove that wearing seat belts saves lives and prevents serious injuries.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1 - How are seat belts considered a nuisance to some drivers?
    2 - Why do some people think they will not have accidents?
    3 - What makes seat belts a trap according to some drivers?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- Statistics prove that many accidents happen because …………………..
    a) of high speed b) drivers are lazy
    c) of not using seat belts d) drivers are worried.
    5- Find words in the passage, which mean the opposite of:
    a) careless b) allow
    Seat belts أحزمة الأمان nuisance شيء مزعج inhibits يمنع adjust يضبط
    trap يمنع unconscious غير مدرك statistics إحصائيات

    (22)- Anne had been driving her small Fiat car for several years. In fact, she had always been a very careful driver. She often drove into town to do her shopping or take her children to school. Sometimes she gave her husband a lift to his office. She had to pass several traffic lights on her way.
    One day, the first traffic lights were just changing from green to red when she passed them.
    Almost at once, a policeman on his motor cycle asked her to stop. He asked her angrily why she had not stopped at the red light. Anne answered politely that she had been afraid to stop suddenly otherwise the car behind her might hit her." The policeman answered that it was not an excuse and asked her to pay fifty pounds as a fine. Anne had to pay the fine and drove quickly to
    the next traffic lights. This time she stopped suddenly when the lights changed.Something banged at the back of her car and threw her forward. When Anne looked back at the mirror, she saw the same policeman shouting. His motor cycle was pressed against the back of her car.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- Why did Anne usually drive into town? Give two reasons.
    2- Why did the policeman ask Anne to pay a fine?
    3- What does the word them refer to?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- Anne did not stop at the first traffic lights because …………………….
    a) she did not see the traffic lights. b) she was giving her husband a lift.
    c) she was late. d) the car behind might bang at the back of her car.
    5- Find a word in the passage which means each of the following:
    a- showing good manners b- at once

    a lift توصيلة otherwise و إلا excuse عزر
    a fine غرامة banged ارتطمت press

    (23) - Mrs. Fox's husband has been killed in the war and one of her sons in an accident. For many years Mrs. Fox had to work to support herself and her remaining son Hill. One morning Mrs. Fox received a letter from her lawyer telling her that her rich uncle had died in Canada and left her a large amount of money. Now everything is changed in Mrs. Fox's life. She bought two flats; one for herself and one for her son. She put the rest of the money in the bank.
    Mrs. Fox rang Hill after supper. After Hill had said hello to his mother, she heard him put the telephone down on the table. Then she heard angry voices. The noise increased and she heard the sound of breaking furniture, low cries and finally she heard a shot. She shouted into the telephone again, but there was a terrible silence. Mrs. Fox, at once, rang up the police.
    Five minutes later, two policemen were running up the flat. When Hill opened the door the policeman pushed him away looking for signs of blood. Suddenly, the officer laughed when he looked at the radio. In fact, the sound of the shot was coming from a play on the radio. Hill could not answer his mother because he was busy paying the milkman at the door.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What was the good news Mrs. Fox received from her lawyer?
    2- How was everything changed in Mrs. Fox's life?
    3- Why did Mrs. Fox ring up the police?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- The policeman reached Hill's flat……………………..
    a) after a long time b) immediately after Mrs. fox's call
    c) before Mrs. Fox's call d) before the milkman came.
    5- The noise increased in paragraph 2 means:
    a) It did not last for long. b) It became lower.
    c) It became higher. d) It stopped suddenly

    support يدعم / يساند remaining المتبقي received استلمت flats شقق furniture أثاث
    a shot طلقة رصاص pushed دفعه blood دم play مسرحية paying دفع نقود

    (24) - When she was two years old Helen Keller suffered a severe illness which left her without sight and hearing. She lived in darkness and stillness and her life was without past or future. The most important step in her education was learning how to read. By raised letters on cards, she learned to recognize words. Despite blindness and deafness she had the will to learn how to communicate with others. Helen used to study out of doors. She felt roses in gardens. She pressed them softly in her hands. She enjoyed nature by feeling and touching the dew on the grass.
    In spite of her great pains, she was able to join the university. She received her BA degree with honors in 1904. She devoted her life to help the blind and the deaf. She worked and wrote for them. Helen never gave up and always thanked God who gave her the blessing of being alive.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- When did Helen lose her sight and hearing?
    2- How did Helen learn how to read?
    3- them line 7 refers to …………………………....
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- Helen used to go outside her house to …………………...
    a) hear the singing of birds . b) study new things.
    c) see roses. d) meet her friends.
    5- Helen Keller could enjoy nature by ………………………..
    a) running in the open. b) reading books.
    c) playing in the rain. d) feeling the dew on grass.

    suffered عانت sight البصر hearing السمع raised letters الحروف البارزة
    recognize يتعرف علي communicate يتصل out of doors خارج المنزل
    softly بنعومة dew الندي devoted كرست gave up استسلمت blessing نعمة

    (25) - When you drive your car, there are many rules to follow. Your car should be in a good condition. You should check the amount of petrol in your car; otherwise it may stop suddenly in the middle of a crowded street causing you a lot of trouble. Adjust the mirror to be sure that no one is parking behind you. Don't forget to measure the level of oil in your engine and be sure the battery is working properly. The tyres should be checked before moving. If you neglect that, you will have to face the trouble of changing the flat tyre by yourself.
    If you don't check your wipers you will be sorry. It might rain suddenly and spoil your trip. You have to check the brakes also or you will bang against the first tree in front of you. Don't forget to fasten your seat belts or you'll pay a fine. After all these precautions, do you still want to drive a car?
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What will happen if you don't check the petrol in your tank?
    2- Why should you check the tyres before driving?
    3- You should examine the brakes of the car. Why?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- What will happen if-you don't fasten your seat belt?
    a) You will make an accident. b) You will face troubles in crowded streets
    c) Your car will break down. d) You may pay a fine.
    5- Find a word in the passage which means:
    "give no or too little attention"

    rules قواعد condition حالة crowded مزدحم parking يركن measure يقيس
    Tyres الإطارات neglect يهمل wipers المساحات spoil يفسد brakes فرامل
    Fasten يربط / يحزم precautions تحذيرات

    (26) - Most of the passengers were asleep in the eight o'clock train. It was already half past nine. I was smoking while my wife was reading a letter. My little daughter was eating an ice cream. Suddenly we were all shocked to hear a loud cry from a young lady. She screamed "Help! Help! He's going to kill me. He has a gun." Many people ran towards her. We asked her where the murderer was. She looked around for a few moments, then at us and finally said "What a terrible dream!" We comforted her saying that she was safe. One of us got her a cold drink. When she felt better we returned to our seats.
    An old man was sitting beside her. He kept talking to her all through the last hour of the journey. When we got off the station. I said to the man "It was kind of you to keep talking with her to help her to be quiet." He said with a smile, "Oh! No, I only wanted to prevent her from sleeping and having another dream."
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What was the writer's wife doing in the train?
    2- Why did the old man keep talking with the young lady?
    3- 'we' line 5 refers to …………………………….
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- The train had been running for ……….. when the young lady cried.
    a) two hours b) one hour and a half. c) an hour. d) eight hours
    5- The young lady awoke when ………………………...
    a) the passengers ran towards her b) the thief attacked her.
    c) the old man spoke to her d) she took the cold drink.

    Shocked صدمنا screamed صاحت murderer قاتل comforted هدأ prevent يمنع

    (27) - I have a friend called Gogo who always pretends to know everything. Whenever a name is mentioned, he says he knows the person who owns that name. I believed Gogo until one day I found out he was a big liar. Once he visited me when I was sitting with my cousin Mr. Sami Salim, who happened to be a well famous writer. Before I introduced my friend to Mr. Sami his eyes fell on one of the books, which was lying on the table. Gogo at once said that the author of the book was one of his relatives, and started telling stories about the adventures they had together. He also said that Sami Salim never wrote a book before discussing its ideas with him. Sami kept on listening with interest. He asked my friend Gogo if he could recognize Mr. Sami Salim if he saw him. My friend assured him that he would. With a loud laugh, Mr: Sami introduced himself to my friend who was so ashamed that he immediately left the house. Since that day my friend Gogo does his best to avoid me, and when he does meet me he never says that he knows anything or anybody.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What was Gogo's bad habit?
    2- When did the writer discover that Gogo was a big liar?
    3- The word they in line 8 refers to......
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- Gogo............................
    a) knew every body in the city b) never told lies
    c) did not know everybody d) knew Mr. Sami
    5- The writer's cousin asked Gogo if he knew Sami Salim to…………………...
    a) prove that Gogo was not telling the truth b) know where he lived
    c) discuss the ideas with him d) tell him about his new story

    pretend يتظاهر mention يذكر relatives أقارب adventureمغامرة
    keep on يستمر recognize يتعرف علي assure يؤكد ashamed خجلان

    (28) - The sinking of the great passenger ship 'Titanic' seventy years ago is nearly forgotten. A small number of passengers were actually saved; those who are still alive today can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
    Then you will easily understand why I have been asked to write about that sad story. The Titanic, the largest ship in the world, was thought by many people at that time to be unsinkable. Yet when it hit an iceberg in thick fog in the North Atlantic Ocean, it actually disappeared in less than twenty minutes, taking nearly fifteen hundred people to the bottom.
    My own life was saved by my youth. Being only a boy of fourteen, I was one of those lucky women and children who were allowed to get away first from the sinking ship. The other passengers threw themselves into deep water and tried to mount our boat with the result that it turned over. Many people drowned, but I was strong enough to swim for three hours in the icy water before a passing ship picked me up.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What was the cause of the sinking of the 'Titanic'?
    2- How was the writer of this passage saved?
    3- What did the people think about the ship before the tragedy?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- "can be counted on the fingers of one hand " line 3 means……………..
    a- ten persons b- many people c- very few people d- five hundred men
    5- The sinking of the ship happened nearly in................................................
    a- 1990 b- 1930 c- 1800 d- 2000

    sinking الغارق Yet ولكن hit اصطدمت iceberg جبل جليدي
    fog ضباب threw ألقت mount يصعد drown يغرق

    (29) - Hand-signs and gestures were used long before men learned to speak in words. In fact, words are not man's only means of communicating with each other. Red Indians, for example, once spoke different languages but has a common sign language. The sight of smoke and the sound of drums are means of sending different messages. These are common sign languages without words.
    Today, people who are deaf or mute make even greater use of sign language. Though they may never be able to speak or hear they can understand each other by gestures or hand signals. Signs are as good as words. In African jungles, drum messages warn people against dangers. In Canary Islands a whistling language passes messages among sailing boats. In cities, of course, traffic lights; red, yellow and green control vehicles and people. They give to them different instructions without words.
    Shaking hands and bowing show that we are friendly to each other. Gestures which mean Yes or No are most interesting. In some countries people show no by shaking their heads from side to side. This happens in Egypt, but in Lebanon people lift their heads up and back, so that their chins move forward.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- What did people use in order to communicate before learning to speak?
    2- Why do Africans use drums in jungles?
    3- How do traffic lights give instructions without words?
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- People in Canary Islands communicate by……………..
    a- shouting b- whistling c- smoke d- drums
    5 According to the passage the oldest method of communication is……………
    a- words b- pictures c- traffic lights d- hand signs

    gestures تلميحات/ إشارات common مشترك mute أخرس / أبكم jungles الأدغال
    whistling الصفير vehicles مركبات bowing الانحناء chin الذقن

    (30) - Pluto is a nice little dog, which we have had for almost five years. He has soft and white hair, which is so smooth that everyone of the family enjoys moving his hand on him. Pluto is now convinced that he is actually a member of the family, and so has equal rights. It is his rights that Pluto insists on but duties he has none.
    One day we were expecting some guests for dinner. Mother woke up early to prepare food before the guests arrived. Pluto followed her and started barking asking for some food. Mother dismissed him from the kitchen, closed the door and carried on her cooking in peace.
    The guests arrived; took their seats around the table and started eating. All of a sudden Pluto jumped in front of one of the lady guests. She was so frightened that she screamed loudly. In spite of Pluto's strong resistance, my sister took him away. He kept shouting when he was locked up in a room. Finally, my mother gave him something to eat. One of the good things about Pluto is that he forgets our little cruelties to him. Anyhow, he looked up at my mother gratefully, and ate with great appetite.
    A} Answer the following questions :
    1- Why does every one like to move his hands on Pluto?
    2- Why did mother wake up early one day?
    3- The pronoun her line 7 refers to ……………………....
    B}Choose the correct answer:
    4- Pluto jumped in front of the lady to……………………………..
    a- make her scream, b- take food from her plate.
    c- show her that he had equal rights, d- welcome her.
    5- The lady screamed because………………....
    a- she did not expect to see Pluto. b- Pluto shared the food with her.
    c- Pluto was an ugly dog. d- the food was hot.

    convince يقنع equal rights حقوق متساوية insist on يصر علي
    duties واجبات bark ينبح dismiss يطرد carry on يستمر
    jump يقفز Resistance مقاومة cruelties قسوة appetite شهية

    6- Writing A) The Paragraph
    A " The positive topic " " الموضوع الأجابى
    In fact….العنوان …. is ( are ) considered a topic of great importance that’s why we should give attention to it . We all agree that…….العنوان ….. Play(s) a lively role in our life becauseسبب الأهمية ..As a result of this, we can say that الموضوع عنوان has (have) positive effects on us and it is clear that it may lead us to a better life. Hence, it is necessary for us to do our best to benefit from it by all possible means and this can be done by several ways like…طريقة الاستفادة…….and……To shed more light on that , I can say that we should double our efforts to achieve what we want .Briefly, we can say that if we follow these suggestions, we can enjoy our life . At last, not at least, we can say that عنوان need(s) a great interest from us.
    B) The Negative topic " الموضوع السلبى "
    It is a given fact that العنوان is (are) considered one of the most serious problems that we face in our life. It is clear that ,there are many causes that lead to this problem like أسباب المشكلة…This problem has negative and serious effects on us becauseتأثير المشكلة …………Therefore, we should do our best to solve and avoid this problem by all possible means . From my point of view, this problem can be solved easily. This can be done by several ways such as co-operation, spreading national awareness among citizens and hard work. Briefly, if we follow these suggested solutions, this problem will be solved sooner or later and we will be able to lead a happy life free from problems.
    C ) The advantages and disadvantages topic "موضوع المزايا والعيوب "
    It is known that ….is a mixed blessing because it has some advantages and some disadvantages . First for all, I would like to start with its advantages. One of them, it is very useful when we use it in a good way like….… It will have another advantage if it is used in… On the other hand, it will have some disadvantages if it is used in a wrong way for example, some people use it in a wrong way such as …...and………. This will surely have a bad effect on us .Therefore, It is advisable to do our best to avoid its disadvantages and we should benefit from its advantages to lead a peaceful, happy and safe life free from problems.
    Another Kind of Writing the paragraph
    A) المقدمــة- 1n fact .العنوان is (are) considered a topic of great importance that is why we should direct our attention to it.*(Or)-No one can ignore that العنوان is (are) considered one of the most important (serious) matters which we should give due attention to.
    B) جمل بعد المقدمة - First of all ,I can say that عنوان الموضوع)(a)الأجابى.plays a lively role in our life because …)أو (b)السلبي …...has a bad and serious effect on us because………) .
    C) جمل الاستنتاج-As a result of this , we can mention that…عنوان الموضوع…lead (leads) us to good (bad) effects on us and make ( makes ) us lead a happy ( bad ) life .
    D) حمل الرأي-From my point of view we can say that we should do our best to benefit from (avoid) it by all possible means and this can be done by several ways such as …..
    E) جمل الإضافة- - To shed more light on that I can say that we should double our efforts to….-In addition to this we can say that……. \ Moreover,… \ on the other hand……….
    F) جمل قبل الختامية- Briefly, and as it was mentioned before ,we can say that if we follow these suggestions (solutions – opinions ) ,we can (enjoy our life) ( live in progress and prosperity) ( solve this problem and we can lead a happy life . )
    G) الخاتمة - At last not at least we can say that العنوان (needs) a great interest from us
    B) The Letter Writing
    " الخطاب العادى والرد" 1- The letter
    Dear اسم المرسل إليه,
    المقدمة - It gives me a great pleasure to write this letter to you. خطاب عادي) )
    - You can’t imagine my happiness (sorrow) when I got your letter. (خطاب رد)
    الغرض - I send this letter ( to المصدر )\ I send this message to tell you that….
    التي تحذف ليصبح الفعل مصدر ونكتب باقي الجملة مع تحويل الضمائر الأتيه ing المنتهي بـ ونبحث عن الفعل
    { he-she him-her-them…..you )( You فاعلI ) ( you مفعولme ) ( your …..my ) (his……your ) (her .+ اسم ……..your)}( me ….you) - I’d like to inform you that…. \ thank you for…- Don’t forget to…..\ as for me I can tell you …-Accept my apology for not…\ please I ask you to…- Please mention in detail some information about……)
    الخاتمه - I’m looking forward to hearing good news from you. With my best wishes.
    Yours ,
    اسم الراسل
    C ) Writing an e- mail -
    From:………. اسم وعنوان الراسل الألكترونى اذا وجد
    To: ………. اسم وعنوان المرسل إلية الألكترونى اذا وجد
    Date: 15th,June , 2011 ( .( التاريخ
    Subject :..الغرض من الرسالة باختصار (invitation-congratulation-complaint apology- request)
    Dearاسم المرسل إلية ,
    How are you ? I want to tell you that ……….………………………..……….. ……..
    موضوع الرسالة.................................... ........................……………………� �………..……….…
    Best wishes
    , اسم الراسل

    I -The problem of over - population
    It has become clear that over population in Egypt is a serious problem. It results in تؤدى إلى other more serious problems. Our youth can't find a flat to marry in or a suitable job to start their life. There is also a possible shortage نقصof food. Our cities became very crowded, they lack the needed infrastructureالبنية التحتية for living.
    So it has become a must that we should invade the desert نغزو . The government does its best to encourage people to have small families through public awareness programmes برامج التوعية العامة on t.v. and papers. It send campaigns حملات to remote and small villages to offer people information about birth controlتحديد النسل

    2- Charity Societies
    Charity Societies الجمعيات الخيرية are organizations for helping the poor everywhere. Rich people establish them. They do their best toيبذل قصارى جهده make homeless and poor children live in a reasonable standardمستوى معقول .They offer them care in different aspectsمناحي – مجالات . They offer the poor medical care free of change مجاناً. If they are homeless, they offer them houses and food.
    Businessmen have got a duty towards واجب نحو these societies. They should give them support.
    They can pay a part of their taxesضرائب for these societies. All of us should take part in the activities of
    these societies. We can donate يتبرع بـ clothes, money, food or even we can donate efforts to please these poor children.
    3- Computers
    The computer has a lot of advantages مميزات. It can store a lot of information; it can do a lot of
    calculations حسابات in no time. it can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, design buildings, compose music and do many jobs. Doctors also use the computer widely in their job.
    But it has also some disadvantages عيوب,it can waste our time if it is used foolishly or if it is used just for fun. it has also a bad effect on our health specially the sight الإبصار . it also teaches the children violence العنف through playing the computer games. So it is a double-edged weapon.سلاح ذو حدين

    4-Sources of Clean power in Egypt
    Egypt is blessed with a lot of gifts تنعم مصر بكثير من الهبات- It is rich in sunshine, water and man power. The sunshine can be a source of energy. It is useful for the growth of animals and plants as well. It can help in producing solar power. Thus, Egypt can be a developed country using a clean source of energy. Water is also plentiful وفير in Egypt. It can be used in planting vast areas of desert land so that we can increase our food production.
    However, if we don't employ man power in a proper way,بطريقة ملائمة we may spoil نهدر our natural resources. Man is the master of all these resources. Plans should be made to benefit fromيستفيد من man power to be able to face any problem in our country.

    5- Technology in our life
    Technology is everywhere nowadays. We all enjoy technology but in different ways. Now, we can travel from one place to another very easily, comfortably and fast. Modern means of transport are now supplied with all means of comfort كل وسائل الراحة. Space travel is now more possible than it used to be in the past. One day people may be able to enjoy space journeys.
    Technology has also played a role in medical care الرعاية الطبية . Now the computer can be used to check people's health accurately. It is also used for teaching. Students can benefit from the internet in their researches as well. No doubt technology has changed our life to the better.
    6- Schools in the Future
    I think our school will be completely different in the future. The ministry of education وزارة الثقافة cares about creating a good citizen and a healthy young man as well. More attention will be given to sports. The computer will be used more widely. Every student will benefit from the internet in all aspect of his life. Moreover the students will be encouraged to take part in doing scientific research. This will encourage students to visit libraries more often.
    Distance learning will be also the feature ملمح of the future. Students can study everything while they are far away from the school. They can take tapes or CD's to enable them to study their subjects at home. We can imagine a more different shape of school than what we see nowadays.
    7- Sports
    "The sound mind is in the sound body". العقل السليم فى الجسم السليم This is a true saying, if someone
    practises sports he will be fit. That's why the ministry of education gives due attention الاهتمام الواجب to
    sports in our schools. Students who get prizes or medals in any sports championship are encouraged a lot. Schools also set up sports competitions and offer prizes for the winners.
    The government encourages sports. It sets up youth centres and clubs everywhere to enable everyone old or young to practise sports. Sports festivals are a call for peace and love among nations نداء للمحبة والسلام بين الأمم . So every country gives due care for taking part in the international championships. البطولات الدولية
    8 -The television
    The television is the cheapest means of entertainment and culture أرخص وسيلة للترفيه والثقافة. It shows us the current events الأحداث الجارية that take place in every part of the world at the same time. It is also a means of communication. We can learn the language of any nation through its films or serials -مسلسلات We can't forget the educational programmes which attract the students of different stages.
    On the other hand it has some disadvantages. It has negatively affected فقد أثر سلبيا the habit of reading. Most of us don't read much as we are attracted to the television more. Some people waste their time in front of the TV. So we have to use this important invention wisely.
    9- Tourism
    Tourism is considered one of the most important earners of foreign currency and national income, من أهم مصادر العملة الصعبة والدخل القومى .Tourists spend a lot of hard currency during their stay in Egypt.
    Tourists like to visit Egypt to enjoy the sun shine, and the wonderful historic places. They like to visit the Citadel, the Pyramids, Luxor and Aswan.
    They like to see our modern renaissance نهضتنا الحديثة as well. We should do our best to encourage
    tourists to visit us again and again. We should establish cheap hotels and tourist villages along our shores.
    10- The role of the youth in development
    The youth should first work hard to achieve success. When they graduate from their universities they have duties towards their society لديهم واجب نحو وطنهم. They can share in the social work by working in the co-operative field. They can share in abolishing illiteracy محو الأمبة in their villages.
    They can take part in reclaiming the desert to increase food production. They can join the army to defend their country in case there is a war. They can also help a lot in solving any problem concerning their society. They should work hard for the welfare رفاهيةof their beloved country Egypt.
    11- Making the best use of spare time"
    Time is gold. The time wasted is too hard to regain الوقت الضائع لا يعوض. So we have to make the best use of our time. If we have a spare time we can make a plan to spend it doing useful things. The wise person is one who spends his / her time carefully in a proper way. Some people prefer to read a useful book, or a story. In this way they increase their information and knowledge in different aspects.
    Some others prefer to practise sports. So they renew their energy, activate their minds, and strengthen their bodies. يجددون نشاطهم وينشطون عقولهم ويقوون أبدانهم. Young men prefer to spend most of their time playing computer games, which can be useful in developing their abilities and computer skills.
    12- Life in the past & today
    In my view, life in the past was quieter and easier. Modern-means of transport tike cars, trains and planes were not there. Consequently, there were almost no air-pollutants. Vast areas of land were cultivated. People depended mainly on agriculture as their main earner.
    In the past there was shortage of medical care. Cholera and other serious epidemics أمراض متوطنة were attacking many people for a time. At present, nearly all epidemics vanished تلاشت thanks to medical care.
    Nowadays, we hear every now and then of new discoveries such as the Femto second, and new inventions such as the computerized car. Also there are various means of entertainment. In short, life today has become more complicated.
    13-The Role of universities in Society
    The university is not founded only for teaching and learning. It has other purposes. One of which is
    providing the society with its needs.
    University graduates are useful members in the society. They help in raising the standard of living. رفع مستوى المعيشة Universities take part in carrying out the development plans by doing scientific research أبحاث علمية in different aspects فى مجالات مختلفة
    They can take part in reclaiming the desert to change it into green lands and increase the food production. They can share in making industrial progress by graduating technicians, and engineers for factories. They can do research to help to reduce air pollution.
    14- Improving our villages
    Our villages can be improved by different ways. Fresh water for drinking and electricity must be supplied. Clean and healthy houses must be built; they must include separate places أماكن منفصلةfor animals.
    Enough schools must be set up for all children to spread education لنشر التعليم. Paved roads .طرق ممهدة and easy means of communications should be set up to enable people to travel from place to place easily. Shops and supermarkets must be found too, in order to provide the people with their needs. In this way we can make our villages a better place to live in.
    15 - The importance of Computers
    Thanks to human inventiveness بفضل الإبداع البشرى computers now cover all aspects of our life,
    Computers help man to extend the power of his mind. Without them, a lot of our technological
    miracles معجزاتwould be impossible.
    Computers are used in hospitals to check patients' records and diagnose يشخٍص some diseases.
    Schools cannot do without them. They are used in factories and banks to improve and facilitateيسهل work. TV, radio, hotels, telecommunications, trains, ships, planes etc... depend on computers in their
    work. Computers are our servant and not our masters yet. Really, the world of computer is endless
    16" Egyp's achievements
    Thanks to the wise policy of the recent government Egypt has achieved daring achievements انجازات شجاعة in various fields to make our life smooth and enjoyable and enable us to face the challenges of
    globalization. العولمة
    In the field of education, thousands of new schools are being built equipped with computers and
    internet labs all over Egypt مجهزة بمعامل الحاسب والإنترنت to cope with the world changes. In the field of
    agriculture and land reclamation, great projects are being established like Toshka Project in Upper Egypt to increase the area of cultivated land. In the field of industry, investors are encouraged to set up factories and buy the old ones through the privatization programmes برامج الخصخصة to modernize and increase production
    In the field of transport and telecommunications, new roads and bridges are being built to facilitate traffic and the new centrals are now available السنترالات الجديدة متوفرةto deal with the rapid increase in population.
    In the field of public health, the health insurance umbrella is covering all classes of people,
    تغطى مظلة التأمين كل طبقات المجتمع

    17- Life in the Future
    As long as we live, we have to think. Our life in the future will change completely. Computers and internet will occupy our life. So, instead of wasting time going here and there, we will use the internet to get our needs. Students of the future will get the information they need through their computers which will be available and within the reach of their hands –فى متناول اليد-
    Housewives can shop through the internet and the housework will be done by certain kind of robots. Most houses will be air conditioned and people won't suffer from the heat of the sun. Our factories will be computerized. There will be better means of communications and transport. Scientists will control the weather, so there will be no floods or drought جفاف. But I think man will not change.

    18"- Preventing pollution

    It isn't acceptable to be in the third millenniumالألفية الثالثة and we still pollute our ecology. Individuals, companies and factories should find ways to control their waste. Clean streets and roads are the bad need of every citizen so we shouldn't throw things away in the streets and there must be laws to punish those who break them.
    Filters should be fixed in factories to help reduce air pollution. It's our environment and everybody should do their best to leave a happy life. Keeping the place clean would surely avoid us thousands of infectious diseases that may ruin our life and turn our happiness into mirage.


    Unemployment must be rooted out تستأصل because it leads to further poverty. The government is always encouraging investors to invest their money in establishing new projects and shoulder their responsibilities يتحمل مسئولية to provide business opportunities for youth. Giant projects such as Toshka project in the south of the valley, Six October industrial city, reclaiming Sniai, and others with small projects will give a hand to increase different kinds of jobs for those who need them.
    Banks are also important, they can lend young people small loans with slight interest to help them set up small industries all over Egypt. When we solve this pressing problem, المشكلة الملحة we will eradicate extremity and terrorism among those poor young people. نستأصل التطرف والإرهاب بين الشباب

    20"- Zewail and the Femto Second

    The secret of a good invention or discovery is simplicity البساطة .The Egyptian scientist Dr Ahmed Zewail, the Nobel Prize laureate حائز for Chemistry in 1999, managed to discover the smallest unit of time; in other words, "the femto second". This great work will help scientists to see the chemical reactions and discover new and better drugs for curing many fatal diseases such as cancer.
    ' On behalf of the Egyptian people, President Mubarak awarded Zewail the Necklace of The Nile in recognition إعترافاof his amazing achievement الإنجاز العظيم that raised Egypt's name high in the sky. Hail to Egypt.
    21- English and its importance (Learning Foreign Languages)

    English is an integral part جزء متكامل من of your personality, your character and yourself. You can no more get rid of it than your shadow. Knowledge of good English enables you to communicate with foreign friends and countries. It enables you to find a better job because it helps you express يعبر عن yourself and deal with tourists freely.
    We cannot cope with the technological renaissance النهضة التكنولوجية without learning how to use the computer and internet so learning English is a must. When you are armed withمسلح بـ English, you can understand what is going on around you and you can deal with the knowledge explosion easily الانفجار المعرفى without any fear.
    22 ' Electricity and its importance

    Thanks to modem inventions and discoveries our life became easy and smooth. What is electricity? It's the mysterious power which is produced by various means e.g. by batteries or generators which provide us with heat, light and sound. It drives machines and different kinds of devices. أنواع مختلفة من الأجهزة
    The progress, man achieves, depends basically on it. Electricity helps man increase production because it drives our factories. It gives us peace because it illuminates تنير our streets, houses, and schools.
    We can generate electricity from waterfalls, wind and the atomic power as well as the sun. It's a clean and cheap source of energy. Awareness should be spread to cut down its consumption we have to be thankful to God who gives us the blessing of thinking which led man to the use of
    electricity because its advantages are endless.

    23 - Women's role in our society

    We all have rights and duties, حقوق وواجبات so we mustn't forget the work of women in the Egyptian society because they form 50% of Egypt's population. They can work as teachers, doctors, social workers and many others. Women mustn't forget that bringing up children تربية الأطفال is their first aim to create sound individuals, able to shoulder their responsibilities قادرين على تحمل المسئولية.so we can't ignore her role in the progress of Egypt. Without all people's help women and men, we wouldn't achieve the expectations of the new millennium, الألفية الجديدة

    24- Money is a good servant but a bad master
    No one can deny that money is a mixed blessing. نعمة ونقمة in other words, it is a good servant but a bad master. On the one hand, money helps us to get all our needs but we should not earn it in a dishonest way. With the help of money problems can be solved. Money makes money and with money people can lead a comfortable life.
    On the other hand money is the root of all evils. For the sake of getting money some people deceive, kill and commit crimes. Wars are waged تشعل الحروب and thousands of people are killed because of money.
    25- The duties of young people towards their parents.

    It is taken for granted hat we owe much to our parents ندين بالكثير لآبائنا who looked after us
    when we were young. They did their best to provide us with food, clothing, shelter and education. They sat up beside our beds when we were ill. They spared no pains لم يألو جهدا to give us the best start in life. So it is our duty to love and respect them.
    We have to take their advice and obey their orders . نطيع أوامرهمsince they have experienced life with its ups and downs. It is also our duty to help them in every possible way. We can do the shopping and help them at home. When they grow old, it is our turn to repay their kindness. We should look after them and provide them with every possible comfort. It is truly said that a good turn deserves another. قابلو المعروف بالمعروف
    26" Prevention is better than cure
    I wish I had listened
    A friend of mine lived in the country. He used to swim and wash himself in the small canal near our village. Many times, I saw him and advised him not to do so to protect himself from Bilharzias but he wasn't listening. He repeated what he was doing for many years until he was ill. A doctor examined him and found that Bilharzias had attacked his liver and other organs of his body. He became ill with worry, weak and pale. He took the required medicine, which cost him a lot of money. I met him later and when he saw me, smiled and said, you were right, prevention is better that cure. الوقاية خير من العلاج
    32'- Political Reform in Egypt
    Democracy in Egypt
    No doubt that president Mubarak is the pioneer of the recent political renaissance in Egypt.
    لاشك أن الرئيس مبارك هو رائد النهضة السياسية الحديثة فى مصرHe started the political reform since the very
    beginning of his ruling era. He gave orders to release the political prisoners shortly after he had received the power. Then, he called all the Egyptians to take part in the political life freely through any political party. In his era the freedom of press law was issued. He called all journalists to publish facts and truth with respect to the rights of others.
    Finally he called the people's assembly to issue a new law enabling others to nominate themselves to
    hold the post not after him but from him if they were elected by the Egyptian people. Now we all feel the changes that will end with free practice to democracy in Egypt.
    Long before the first gulf war " the Iraqi invasion غزو to Kwait ", حرب الخليج الأولىPresident Mubarak was the first leader to call for holding an international conference to fight terrorism.مؤتمر دولى لمحاربة الإرهاب Terrorism no doubt is the enemy of the whole world today. No part of the world hasn't witnessed a bomb attack or killing of a prominent figure of societyعضو بارز فى المجتمع . As it is said, " Terrorism has no home or eyes."
    In order to eradicate terrorism, a lot of things should be done. First, Justice العدلand democracy should spread, every citizen should feel that he gets his rights and has the ability to express his ideas without fear or persecution. اضطهاد Writers, churches and mosques have a great part in this battle, they have to find approaches to change terrorists' attitudes and spread the right thought.إيجاد مداخل لتغيير اتجاهات الإرهابيين ونشر الفكر الصحيح
    Equality among people, Muslims and Christians, Whites and Blacks, should be the base make one feel citizenship.يشعر بالمواطنة A law should be issued to ban distorting religionsقانون يحظر تشويه الأديان and other people's thoughts. Finally comes the role of police to shoulder their responsibilities.لتحمل مسئولياتهم

    35-'English and The Internet

    The importance of the Internet grows rapidly in all fields of human life, including not only research and education but also marketing and trade as well as entertainment and hobbies. This implies يتضمنthat it becomes more and more important to know how to use Internet services and, as a part of this, to read and write English.
    But although Internet services themselves are, generally speaking, easy to learn and use, you will find yourself isolated معزولon the Internet if you are not familiar with English. This means that knowledge or lack of knowledge of English المعرفة أو نقصها باللغةis one of the most severe factors that cause interest أحد العوامل الهامة التى تسبب إهتمام. Learning to use a new Internet service or user interface واجهة استخدام may take a few hours, a few days, or even weeks, but it takes years to learn a language so that you can use it in a fluent and self-confident manner. Of course, when you know some English, you can learn more just by using it on the Internet. So, English and the internet became one face of a coin.وجهان لعملة واحدة
    Revolution Of The Youth
    On the 25th of January, 2011 thousands of Egyptian young men and women marched peacefully to Tahreer Square in Cairo and in many other Cities in Egypt such as Alexandria, Suez and Ismailia. They all demanded Mubarak's overthrow and the resignation of his government. They wanted a civilian state where peace, love, equality and standard of living and new job opportunities for the millions of unemployed youth. Finally they succeeded in achieving some of their demands, but after a big number of them had sacrificed their lives to create a new Egypt, where people have the right to say their opinions freely
    Without fear, with a new government that acts to achieve comprehensive development and social reform.
    They have put an end to Mubarak's era which included unfair treatment to the Egyptian people, social injustice, a lot of detainees without judgment, forging the elections and corruption. The demonstrated young people also demanded constitutional amendments and authority transition, so that peace safety and security would prevail all over Egypt. The World will never forget this great uprising of the great Egyptian youth.

    Events of 25 th of January
    revolution of youth ثورة الشباب popular organizations منظمات شعبية
    white revolution الثوره البيضاء defend against يدافع ضد
    facebook youth شباب الفيسبوك bulliers = thugs البلطجية
    not support political party لاينحازو لحزب سياسى fugitives from prison الهاربون من السجون
    claim legitimate rights المطالبة بحقوق مشروعة the absence of a security غياب أمنى
    hold peaceful demonstration يقوم بمظاهرة سلمية committee of لجنة من
    a protest against احتجاج ضد constitutional legitimacy شرعية دستورية
    a march مسيرة item of (law - constitution) بند من (القانون – دستور)
    call for ينادى من أجل all the forces of the people جميع قوى الشعب
    a sit اعتصام injustice and tyranny الظلم والأستبداد
    sitters المعتصمون make demands يحقق مطالب
    call for freedom ينادى من أجل الحرية without any damage to دون أى اضرار بـ
    Tahrir square ميدان التحرير public property الممتلكات العامة
    the symbol of freedom رمز الحرية the right to determine the fate الحق فى تحديد مصير
    revolution against corruption ثورة ضد الفساد witness a major change تشهد تغيير كبير
    power change تغيير السلطة revolution hasn't been seen ثورة لم تشهد من قبل
    the departure of president رحيل الرئيس unique civilized revolution ثورة فريدة ومتحضرة
    the muslim brotherhood الأخوان المسلمين prove to all the world that تثبت للعالم كلة أن
    violent clashes مصادمات عنيفه time of distress and crisis وقت الشدة والأزمة
    warned curfew حذر تجول forget their differences ينسى خلافاتهم
    supporters / opponents المؤيدون \ المعارضين personal interests المصالح الشخصية
    foreign agents عملاء أجانب the voice of reason صوت العقل
    demands / claims مطالب resort to نلجأ الى
    riots الشغب the language of dialogue لغة الحوار
    destruction of infrastructure تدمير البنية التحتية not allow foreign interference لانسمح بتدخل أجنبى
    government property الممتلكات الحكومية respect all the views of نحترم كل أراء
    security measures تدابير \ اجراءات أمنية all opinions expressed كل الأراء المطروحة
    citizenship المواطنه radical and immediate solution حل جزرى وفورى
    gain confidence يكسب ثقة the negotiating table مائدة المفاوضات
    foreign intervention تدخل اجنبى constitutional amendments تعديلات دستورية
    form a new government يشكل حكومة جديدة violate /spoil ينتهك حرمه ( القانون) \ يفسد
    insure security يضمن الأمن outlaws الخارجون عن القانون
    impose by force يفرض بالقوة violators of the law المخالفون للقانون
    demanding المطالبة enemies of the state أعداء الدولة
    step down from authority يتنحى عن السلطة haters and traitors الحاقدين والخونة
    political affiliation انتماء سياسى personal gain مكاسب شخصية
    treason = betraying home خيانه الوطن closer to power الأقتراب الى الحكم
    immediate investigation التحقيق الفورى and promises of reform وعود بالأصلاح
    cause serious damage to يسبب ضرر فادح لـ enjoy the freedom ننعم بالحرية
    trial the involvers محاكمه المتورطيين our duty and our responsibility واجبنا ومسؤوليتنا
    lurking المندسين be patient and wait نصبر وننتظر
    with personal interests ذو المصالح الشخصية remove the adverse effects ازالة الأثار الضارة
    beneficiaries المستفدين unite together نتحد معا
    restore calm and security اعادة الهدوء والأمن face the challanges مواجهة التحديات
    the security and safety of امن وسلامة compensate for losses نعوض الخسائر
    work together نتكاتف معا constructive solutions حلول بناءة
    huge economic losses خسائر اقتصادية هائلة respond to the call يستجيب لنداء
    appeal to all parties and sects نناشد كل احزاب وطوائف the opportunity to negotiate فرصة للتفاوض
    the tyrannical regime النظام المستبد settlement and discipline الأستقرار والنظام
    realize the extent of the losses ندرك مدى الخسائر in order to prevail calm لكى يعم \ يسود الهدوء
    uncountable losses خسائر لاحسر لها internal /external issues القضايا الداخلية \ الخارجية
    resulted from chaos الناجمة \ الناتجة عن الفوضى looting (traitors) نهب وسلب ( الخونة)
    wage campaign against نشن حملة ضد violence acts against اعمال العنف
    wasting public money اهدار المال العام sabotage and destruction of تخريب وتدمير
    burning government property احراق ممتلكات عامه stick to نلتزم بـ \ نتمسك بـ
    tear gas canisters قنابل مسيلة للدموع destroyers and criminals المخربين والمجرمين
    fear =horror = terror رعب - خوف the blackmailers المبتزين
    panick among citizens زعر بين المواطنين emergency law قانون الطوارئ
    pursue the traitors نلاحق الخونة security precautions احتياطات أمنية
    spoilage = robbing سلب ونهب rations and goods سلع غذائية وتموينية
    massacre = blood bath مجزرة calls for help استغاثة
    social justice العدالة الاجتماعية safety and security الأمان والأمن
    social reform الإصلاح الاجتماعي bank disruption تعطيل البنوك
    a radical change تغيير جذري authority transition انتقال السلطة
    stock exchange = bourse البورصة self determination تقرير المصير
    bequeathal =inheritance التوريث praise يشيد بـ
    trouble makers مثيرى الشغب resignation استقالة
    inhuman practices ممارسات لا إنسانية retirement التنحى
    Terrorist acts
    Egypt was exposed to تعرضت مصر the terrorist incident الحادث الأرهابى
    interior Ministry وزارة الداخلية civil war الحرب الاهلية
    foreign elements عناصر أجنبية sparked angry protests أثارت احتجاجات غاضبة.
    bombings of Alexandria تفجيرات الاسكندرية break out تندلع
    sectarian strife = sedition Taikip الفتنة الطائقية our dear country Egypt وطننا الغالي مصر
    all sects of society كل طوائف المجتمع work for its prosperity العمل من أجل ازدهاره
    Muslims and Christians المسلمين والمسيحيين We all are united كلنا متحدون
    religious officials المسؤولين الدينيين condemned strongly ادان بشدة
    expressed their full outrage أعرب عن غضبهم الكامل a Coptic church كنيسة قبطية
    should be united يجب توحيد aimed to destabilize the unity زعزعة الوحدة
    peaceful demonstrations المسيرات(مظاهرات) السلمية exploded / a car bomb انفجرت \ سيارة ملغومة
    an expression of تعبيرا عن ssinful and cowardly اثم و جبان
    resentment and condemnation الإستياء والإستنكار the security of the homeland أمن الوطن
    Muslims and Copts مسلمين وأقباط in an attempt to في محاولة لـــ
    call for peace and cooperation يدعو للسلام والتعاون a peace-loving country بلد محب للسلام
    one tissue ( weaving) نسيج واحد against violence terrorism ضد العنف والأرهاب
    differentiate among
    our national security يفرق بين
    أمننا القومى threaten the security of citizens
    disastrous consequences يهدد أمن المواطنين
    عواقب وخيمة
    stand as a one man ننقف كرجل واحد to face an terrorist act لمواجدهة أى عمل ارهابى
    attempt to drive a wedge between محاولة للوقيعة بين accused foreign hands اتهم أياد أجنبية
    all heavenly religions كل الأديان السماوية the deadly attack on الهجوم القاتل على
    hold a demonstration against يقوم بمظاهرة ضد settlement /stability تسويه / أستقرار
    reject ينبذ – يرفض extremism التطرف
    unrest القلق security measures اجراءات أمنية
    terrorist acts أعمال ارهابية secure يؤمن
    worship house دار العباده mosques \ churches المساجد \ الكنائس
    damage يتلف cause losses يسبب خسائر
    A shark attack Sharm el-Sheikh Prominent Scientists
    granted the necklace of the Nile منح قلادة النيل in three separate attacks ثلاث هجمات منفصلة
    curative services خدماته علاجية shark attack هجوم لسمك القرش
    free of charge مجانية the Red Sea resort منتجع البحر الأحمر
    we are grateful to نحن شاكرين لـ while snorkelling أثناء الغطس
    a cure for cancer علاج للسرطان expressed his extreme sadness عبر عن حزنه الشديد
    to take into account يأخذ بعين الاعتبار resort to يلجأ الى
    tense of responsibility الشعور بالمسئولية foreign experts الخبراء الأجانب
    sense of loyalty الشعور بالولاء put an end to لوضع حد لـ
    sense of belonging شعور بالانتماء protect its beaches لحماية شواطئ
    honour تكرم \ تكريم endanger يعرض للخطر
    prominent scientists علماء بارزين secure against يؤمن
    Elections of People's Assembly
    parliament elections الانتخابات البرلمانية make his own decision يتخذ قرارة بنفسه
    people's Assembly مجلس الشعب democratic experience التجربة الديمقراطية
    strong competition منافسة قوية trust to represent يثق به لتمثيل
    The recent elections have الأنتخابات الأخيرة supervision of judiciary. إشراف القضاء
    candidates of parties مرشحين الأحزاب the public interest المصلحة العامة
    the independents المستقلين have / has the right to له الحق أن
    representation for women بتمثيل المرأة vote يدلى بصوته
    elections was marked تميزت الأنتخابات peaceful nuclear program برنامج نووي سلمي
    v to be + deprived of تكون محرومة من support يؤيد \ يدعم
    a vice-president نائب الرئيس the appointment of تعيين
    forging the elections تزوير الانتخابات contestations طعون
    fair (honest) elections انتخابات نزيهة await يتربص بـ
    witnessed (experienced)fraud شهدت تزوير invalid elections انتخابات باطلة
    the National Party الحزب الوطنى opponents المعارضون
    An Egyptian Spy
    managed to arrest تمكنت القاء القبض على Egyptian security forces اجهزة الامن المصرية
    Egyptian spy الجاسوس المصرى a network of spy شبكة تجسس
    leaked some secrets to Israel. سرب بعض الأسرار Egyptian intelligence المخابرات المصرية
    formal request طلب رسمى betray his home يخون الوطن
    sentenced to death الحكم بالأعدام to be an example ليكون عبرة
    Tunisia and The Sudan
    declared a state of emergency أعلنت حالة الطوارئ Southern Sudanese جنوب السودان
    security forces قوات الامن breaking away الانفصال
    fire at يطلق النار على staying united البقاء متحدين
    rioting-hit country التي ضربتها اعمال الشغب a historic referendum on استفتاء تاريخي حول
    violent clashes اشتباكات عنيفة independence الاستقلال
    rising food prices ارتفاع أسعار المواد الغذائية vote يدلى بصوتة
    refuses to comply يرفض الامتثال announced أعلن
    The Arab League جامعة الدول العربية the hardships and challenges المصاعب والتحديات
    political forces القوى السياسية peace will inevitably prevail سوف يعم السلام حتما
    swept from power أطاحت comprehensive Arab development تنمية عربية شاملة
    widespread protests احتجاجات واسعة النطاق Foreign Minister وزير الخارجية
    the interim president الرئيس المؤقت economic summit conference مؤتمر القمة الاقتصادى
    the prime minister رئيس الوزراء high-level Arab gathering تجمع عربي رفيع المستوى
    under the constitution بموجب الدستور an unprecedented level مستوى غير مسبوق
    rationalize يُرشـد combine = bring together = unite يوحد - يتحد
    economic recovery انتعاش اقتصادي v to be united يتحد
    the toppled Tunisian president الرئيس المخلوع opposition parties أحزاب المعارضة
    Suicide Bombing
    commit the act of suicide ارتكاب جريمة الأنتحار self-sacrifice التضحية بالنفس
    set fire to himself يشعل النار في نفسه a popular uprising الانتفاضة الشعبية
    a series of سلسلة من Islam bans suicide الإسلام يحرم الانتحار
    prompted protests اثار احتجاجات torched himself حرق نفسه
    Protest against يحتج ضد attempted burnings محاولة إشعال النار
    financial crisis أزمة مالية inflation التضخم
    labour force القوة العامله demands مطالب
    surrender = give in يستسلم personal purposes أغراض شخصية
    maximum حد أقصي prejudice الظلم
    minimum حد أدني unfair غير عادل
    suicide bombing التفجير الإنتحاري promotion of exports تنمية الصادرات
    The Nile Crisis
    Nile Basin countries دول حوض النيل emergency meeting اجتماع طارئ
    Egypt's share نصيب مصر improve our relationship with أن تحسن علاقاتها مع
    upstream countries دول المنبع constructive political dialogue حوار السياسي البناء
    downstream countries دول المصب seal with this seriously نتعامل مع هذا بجدية
    Egypt's quota of Nile water حصة مصر لمياة النيل a matter of life or death مسألة حياة أو موت
    lifeblood = artery of life شريان الحياة the main source of المصدر الرئيسى
    Different events
    mastery of foreign languages اجادة اللغات الأجنبية a resolution / decree قرار ( حكومى)
    a critical situation موقف حرج facilitate تسهل
    foil these attempts احباط تلك المحاولات legitimate channels القنوات المشروعة
    concessions تنازل democratic thought تفكير ديمقراطى
    avoid the ghost of wars تجنب شبح الحروب freedom of opinion حريه الرأى
    regional ups and downs تغيرات اقليمة the movement of حركة
    firm laws قوانين حازمة land and sea transport البرى والبحرى
    strict – lessen = limit تحد - تقلل developing countries الدول النامية
    credit freeze تجميد رصيد decisive steps خطوات حاسمة
    private Associations الجمعيات الأهلية firm action إجراءات حازمة
    NGOs الجمعيات الغير حكومية the nightmare of terrorism كابوس الإرهاب
    pressing problems المشكلات الملحة national unity الوحدة الوطنية
    emergency crisis والازمات الطارئة undermine security and stability زعزعة الإستقرار
    shyness and shame العار والخجل threaten / assisinate يهدد \ يغتال
    the outcome of the situation نتيجة \محصلة الموقف It is your right to express من حقك أن تعبر
    wage a war against يشن حرب ضد seize the golden opportunity ينتهز الفرصة الذهبية
    mobilize armed forces تحشد قوات مسلحة wage the flame of sedition يشعل فتيل الفتننة
    in anticipation of تحسبا لـ the sincerity and loyalty الأخلاص والولاء
    any possible circumstances أى ظروف محتملة dignity / glory كرامة \ مجد
    confront any attack نتصدى لأى هجوم unpaved roads والطرق غير الممهدة
    resist any attack on نقاوم اى اعتداء على third world countries دول العالم الثالث
    spread corruption ينشر الفساد issue lawas تصدر قانون
    limited / low-income محدودى الدخل rioters = agitator المشاغبين
    lock up يحتجز dilemma = disaster = crisis مأزق - ورطة - مصيبة
    the high cost of living ارتفاع تكلفة المعيشة outlaw خارج على القانون
    referendum استفتاء شعبى regime change تغيير نظام الحكم
    seek to impose sanctions تسعى افرض عقوبات we are ompelled to نحن مجبرين أن
    Don't let …pile up لاتدع ...تتراكم reject foreign inerferance نرفض تدخل أجنبى
    security cementation تعزيز أمنى hostility = enemity =agresstion عداء
    combat = fight يكافح v to be + involved in متورط فى
    side with = stand by ينحاز لـ - يقف بجانب find a solution to يجد حل لـ
    launch a campaign against يشن حملة ضد meet the needs of the people يلبى احتياجات الشعب
    destruction = havocking تخريب self-control ضبط النفس
    prime minister رئيس الوزراء priorities of the new government أولويات الحكومة
    fury = rage = anger هياج - غضب contribute to making decision يساهم فى صنع القرار
    governorate محافظه military governor الحاكم العسكرى
    accusations اتهامات tanks دبابات
    bullets الرصاص bombs قنابل
    irritate people against يثير- يهيج الناس ضد try the corrupt يحاكم الفاسدين
    demand freedom يطالب بالحرية independence الأستقلال
    promising youth الشباب الواعد carry the flag of freedom يحمل راية الحرية
    sound democratic الديموقراطية السليمه the return of rights to عودة الحقوق الى
    providing job opportunities توفير فرص عمل unemployed youth الشباب العاطل
    resistance = withstand الصمود run the affairs of the country يدير شؤون البلاد
    long live يعيش martyrs الشهداء
    bright future مستقبل باهر stability =settlement استقرار

    swine (pig) flu = H1N1 انفلوانزا الخنازير African nations' cup كأس الأمم الأفريقية
    disaster = catastrophe كارثة pioneer رائد
    take measures تتخذ اجراءات marvels - wonders معجزات - عجائب
    put an end to نضع نهاية لـ driving licence رخصه قيادة
    stand as a one man نقف كرجل واحد chase = run after يطارد
    symptoms أعراض (مرض) great fun متعه كبيرة
    epidemic وباء in favour of مؤيد لـ
    infection العدوى food shortage نقص الغذاء
    illiteracy الأمية requirements متطلبات
    compete تتنافس ministry وزارة
    loyalty and belonging الولاء والأنتماء take wide steps يتخذ خطوات واسعة
    mass media وسائل الأعلام benefits فوائد
    unemployment البطالة glorious history تاريخ مجيد
    influence تؤثر – تأثير ( معنوى) reopening إعادة افتتاح
    convince = persuade يقنع support يساند - تأييد – مساندة
    ُEgyptian economy الأقتصاد المصرى private sector القطاع الخاص
    possible facilities التسهيلات الممكنة thanks to بفضل
    tolerant متسامح qualifications مؤهلات
    embassy سفارة advanced technology تكنولوجيا متقدمة
    reduce = cut down يخفض – يقلل renaissance النهضة
    launch a campaign يطلق- يشن حملة training centers مراكز تدريب
    exist / existing يوجد \ الموجودة vocational training التدريب المهني
    manufacture تصنيع - يصنع with great speed بسرعة فائقة
    glorious history تاريخ مجيد modern technology التكنولوجيه الحديثه
    social and health care رعاية صحية واجتماعية potentials إمكانيات
    reflect تعكس revolution ثورة
    recycle إعادة استخدام الشيء information systems نظم المعلومات
    celebration احتفال communication الاتصالات
    proficiency كفاءة comprehensive peace سلام شامل
    citizenship المواطنة establishments مؤسسات
    organize = host ينظم- تستضيف strong performance عرض – أداء قوى
    base أساس - قاعدة public services الخدمات العامة
    greatness عظمة honour/ pride يكرم – يشرف \ فخر
    deepness of civilization عمق الحضارة athletics events أحداث رياضية
    a sports festival مهرجان رياض intense competition منافسة قوية
    gain a good reputation يكسب سمعة جيدة celebrate ( with) يحتفل
    prove يثبت - يبرهن pleased people أسعدو الناس
    the state - nation - home الدولة - أمة - وطن people's need احتياجات الشعب
    flourish / refresh تزدهر \ ينتعش be + in a bad need of في حاجة ماسة إلى
    Prosperty / welfare الرخاء \ الرفاهية purify air from ينقى الهواء
    civilization حضارة necessity = a must ضرورة
    humanity الإنسانية – البشرية foreign trade التجارة الخارجية
    a peace – loving country دولة محبة للسلام differ from يختلف عن
    the current of reform تيار الإصلاح gap فجوة
    medical field المجال الطبي globalization العولمة
    seek to = aspire ( try) to تسعى – تصبو من أجل dialogue الحوار
    create يخلق- يبدع- يسبب reclamation استصلاح
    reclaim the desert يستصلح الصحراء sincere efforts جهود مخلصة
    Proof = evidence دليل- برهان corner stone ركن الزاوية
    evaluate يقيم- يقدر optimism التفاؤل
    assassination اغتيال – إعدام- قتل pessimism التشاؤم
    realize تدرك- يحقق huge responsibility مسؤولية ضخمة
    the narrow Nile Valley وادي النيل الضيق principles مبادئ
    world armament race سباق التسلح العالمي individuals الأفراد
    factors عوامل elect – election ينتخب- انتخاب
    among بين ( أكثر نن اثنين ) deal with =treat يتعامل مع
    spread ينشر- ينتشر inflation of population التضخم السكاني
    national awareness الوعي القومي illiteracy الأمية
    ambassador السفير private sector القطاع الخاص
    prevail يعم – يسود improve يحسن
    housing problem مشكلة الإسكان free of charge مجانا
    the only solution الحل الوحيد participate in= share in يشارك في
    bring the prices down تخفيض الأسعار contribute to + (v+ ing) يساهم في
    unemployment البطالة to a great extent على حد كبير
    infrastructure البنية الأساسية ( التحتية) on equal footing على قدم المساواة
    task مهمة medical assistance مساعدة طبية
    double يضاعف do without /live without يستغنى عن
    carry out تنفذ support يساند – بؤيد- يدعم
    call for يدعو من – ينادى من أجل disputes نزاعات- خلافات
    spare no effort لا يدخر وسعا revival إحياء
    promote يرقى - يدعم a graduate of خريج
    pay (give ) attention to يعطى اهتمام لـ career حيا مهنية
    enable …to مصدر يمكن revenue = income دخل /عائد
    enrich يثرى / يخصب means of entertainment وسيلة ترفية
    aspects = fields مجالات- نواحي stick to يلتزم بـ - يتمسك بـ
    perform = render يؤدى fruitful مثمر
    offer يقدم Profitable مربح
    service خدمة defy = challenge يتحدى
    mass media وسائل الإعلام unsuitable for غير ملائم بـ
    convey = transport ينقل spirit refreshing تهذيب الروح
    experience خبرة – تجربه فى الحياة a bright future مستقبل مشرق
    v to be + aware of على علم بـ a means - means of وسيلة - وسائل
    public health = sanitation الصحة العامة prevail يسود- يعم
    illegal migration هجره غير شرعيه heavenly religions الأديان السماوية
    generation جيل the space channels القنوات الفضائية
    propaganda دعاية on a wide scale على نطاق واسع
    deepen - souls يعمق – نفوس cure \ treat يعالج مرض- علاج \ يعالج مشكلة
    raise the Egyptian flag يرفع العلم المصرى renew يجدد
    resist = withstand يقاوم out of date قديم
    moral values القيم الأخلاقية up to date حديث
    protect from /against يحمى من \ ضد strong relations علاقات قوية
    deviation الانحراف benefit from يستفيد من
    advantage# disadvantage ميزة # عيب respond to يستجيب لـ
    self-sacrifice التضحية بالذات strengthen يقوى
    public opinion الرأي العام v be + exposed to danger يتعرض للخطر
    make us aware of يجعلنا على وعى refer to يشير الى
    current events الأحداث الجارية relieve the burden يخفف العبء
    the only solution الحل الوحيد giant projects مشروعات عملاقة
    the standard of living مستوى المعيشة world environment day يوم البيئة العالمي
    scientific methods الطرق العلمية christians مسحيين
    a threat \ threaten تهديد \ يهدد result from ينتج عن
    a means not an end وسيلة لا غاية sacrifice يضحى – أضحية
    impose restrictions يفرض قيود western culture الثقافة الغربية
    attitude سلوك- اتجاة - موقف professionals محترفين
    fight for \ against يحارب لصالح \ ضد mineral wealth ثروة معدنية
    remain يظل – يبقى prospect for ينقب على
    monopoly احتكار (سلعة) react يتفاعل
    investment استثمار radiation إشعاع
    consume يستهلك nuclear power الطاقة النووية
    consumer مستهلك discipline النظام
    rationalization of consumption ترشيد الاستهلاك corruption الفساد
    creativity ألابتكار- الإبداع campaigns حملات
    inaugurate يفتتح astronauts رواد الفضاء
    inauguration افتتاح heritage التراث
    celebrate يحتفل circumstances الظروف
    solidarity التضامن blood donors متبرعين بالدم
    constitute / form يشكل obstacles = hinders عوائق
    equality الدستور
    المساواة suffer from
    multiple - story garages يعانى من
    جراجات متعددة
    hinder يعوق fly-over bridges كباري علوية
    drought الجفاف – قحط the underground metro مترو الإنفاق
    offer necessary facilities تقدم التسهيلات summit conference مؤتمر القمة
    natural resources مصادر طبيعية prime minister رئيس الوزراء
    as a result of نتيجة لـ minister وزير
    electric sets أجهزة كهر بائية from cradle to grave من المهد إلى اللحد
    provide… for يوفر بـ industrial صناعي
    economic crises أزمة اقتصادية agricultural زراعي
    economic integration تكامل اقتصادي reclaiming استصلاح
    saving الادخار construction تعمير- تشييد
    negotiations مفاوضات narcotics = drugs مواد مخدرة
    deal in = trade in يتاجر في craftsman حرفي
    do without يستغنى عن economic reform الإصلاح الاقتصادي
    defend for يشجع
    يدافع من أجل take drugs
    technology يتعاطى مخدرات - منشطاط
    doubtless بلا شك any progress\ nation أي تقدم \ أمة
    education التعليم the basis of أساس
    the core of جوهر- لب- أساس be+armed with \ laden with يتسلح \ يتحلى بـ
    Policy السياسة aim at (v+ing)( to مصدر) يهدف إلى
    economic الاقتصادية educational system النظام التعليمي
    owe ( to) ندين- مدين لـ prove يثبت - يبرهن
    development التنمية scholars and thinkers العلماء والمفكرين
    we can't deny that لا يمكن أن ننكر أن modification تعديل
    tell the truth يقول الحقيقة concerning بشأن- بخصوص
    exert great efforts تبذل جهود عظيمة presidency الرئاسة
    eliminate = overcome يقضى على – يمحو achieving تحقيق
    illiteracy الأمية production الإنتاج
    make up for يعوض different activities أنشطة مختلفة
    a good citizen مواطن صالح vary - various يتنوع- عديد

    نماذج محلولة من امتحانات الأعوام السابقة

    1. Learning foreign languages needs never stop. One should not learn a foreign language merely to achieve an immediate professional or academic aim and then give it up. He should carry on learning, as it is a valuable experience that enriches his life.
    • إن احتياجك لتعلم اللغة الأجنبية لا يجب أن يتوقف أبدا . و لا يجب علي الفرد أن يتعلم اللغة الأجنبية فقط ليحقق هدفا مهنيا أو أكاديميا مؤقتا ثم يتوقف عن تعلمها بل يجب أن يستمر في التعلم لأنها خبرة قيمة تثري حياته.
    2. Celebrating the new millennium at the foot of the Pyramids of Giza was marvellous. That was the best place from which we could pass to the new century. The celebration aimed at combining the ancient and the modern and reviewing the history of human civilization.
    • كان الاحتفال بالألفية الجديدة عند سفح أهرامات الجيزة رائعا و كان هذا أفضل مكان يمكننا المرور منه إلى القرن الجديد . و كان الاحتفال يهدف إلى دمج القديم و الحديث و مراجعة تاريخ الحضارة الإنسانية.
    3. To be interested in something is a golden rule in life. If a person is always chained to his office, he will grow physically and mentally weak. If such a person has a hobby, his daily work will no longer be tiring.
    • القاعدة الذهبية في الحياة هي أن يكون لك شيء تهتم به و لو كان الشخص دائما مقيدا بمكتبه، فانه سيصبح ضعيف البدن و الذهن ، و لو أن هذا الشخص لديه هواية ، فان عمله اليومي لن يكون مرهقـا.
    4- The government is trying to solve the transport problem by constructing new roads and flyovers. The number of vehicles is increasing everyday. Roads are becoming too crowded for drivers to use.
    • تحاول الحكومة حل مشكلة المواصلات بإنشاء طرق و كباري علويـة جديدة، فعدد المركبات يزداد كل يوم و الطرق تصبح شديدة الازدحام بحيث يتعذر علي السائقين استخدامها .
    5- President Mubarak always states that industry, agriculture and tourism are the main sources of our national income. Great projects are carried out to develop these sources. In the field of industry, Egyptian products are a source of pride not only for Egyptian but for all Arabs.
    • يؤكد الرئيس مبارك دائما علي ان الصناعة و الزراعة و السياحة هي المصادر الرئيسية لدخلنا القومي ، و في مجال الصناعة ، تعتبر المنتجات المصرية مصدر فخر ليس فقط للمصريين و لكن لكل العرب .
    6- It is said that television has destroyed the art of conversation and made people unhappy by forcing them to want things they do not need. On the other hand, it helps people to update their knowledge of the world affairs, as they can see current events in different parts of the world the moment they occur.
    • يقال أن التلفاز قد أفسد فن الحوار و جعل الناس غير سعداء بإجبارهم أن يطلبوا أشياء لا يحتاجونها ، و من ناحية أخري فانه يساعد في تطوير معرفة الناس بشئون العالم ، لأنه يمكنهم من متابعة الأحداث الجارية في أجزاء مختلفة من العالم لحظة حدوثها .
    7- Cutting off trees in cities is an ill deed. Trees give us shade in summer and the green colour makes us feel at ease. Trees also purify the air and they give off oxygen by day. That’s why we should do our best to spread the green colour all over our country.
    • إن قطع الأشجار في المدن فعل سيئ، فالأشجار تعطينا الظل في الصيف، و اللون الأخضر يجعلنا نشعر بالارتياح و الأشجار أيضا تنقي الهواء بإخراج الأكسجين نهارا ، و لهذا السبب يجب أن نبذل قصاري جهدنا لنشر اللون الأخضر في كل مكان بوطننا .
    8- The establishment of public libraries and school libraries contributed to improving the learning process as a whole and helped many citizens to read freely. Public libraries play an important role in spreading culture and awareness among people of all ages.
    • إن إقامة المكتبات العامة و المكتبات المدرسية قد ساهم في تحسين العملية التعليمية ككل، و ساعد كثير من المواطنين علي القراءة الحرة و تلعب المكتبات العامة دورا هاما في نشر الثقافة و الوعي بين الناس من كل الأعمار.
    9- Communications satellites can transmit radio and TV programmes at great distances. Egypt’s satellite, Nile Sat 101, serves the whole of the Arab world. Egypt is planning to launch more satellites in the future.
    • يمكن أن تبث أقمار الاتصالات الصنـاعية برامج التليفزيون و الراديو علي مسافات بعيدة ويقوم القمر الصناعي المصري ، النايل سات بخدمة العالم العربي كله و تخطط مصــر لطلاق المزيــد من الأقمــار الصنــاعية في المستقبل.
    10- Some of the most important aims of education are to build up an Egyptian citizen who is able to face the future and to create a productive society. Education also aims at preparing a generation of scientists for the service of humanity.
    • إن بنــاء مواطن مصري يكون قادرا علي مواجهة المستقبل و خلق مجتمـع منتـج هي بعض أهم أهداف التعليم و يهدف التعليم أيضا إلى إعداد جيل من العلماء لخدمة البشرية.
    11- Practising activities at school is of great importance. Teachers should encourage their students to participate effectively in school activities. Such activities help students to learn some values like co-operation, respect for others, self-confidence and perseverance.
    • إن ممارسة الأنشطة في المدرسة له أهمية عظيمة و يجب علي المعلمين أن يشجعوا طلابهم علي المشاركة بصورة فعالة في الأنشطة المدرسية و مثل هده الأنشطة تساعد الطلاب علي تعلم بعض القيم مثل التعاون و احترام الآخرين و الثقة بالنفس و المثابرة.
    12- Over-population in Egypt has led to many other problems like illiteracy, heavy traffic and unemployment. The government should exert more efforts to bring down the population growth rates. It should also pay more attention to the development of human resources.
    • إن التزايد السكاني في مصر قد أدي إلى الكثير من المشكلات الأخرى مثل الأمية و ازدحام المرور و البطالة و يجب علي الحكومة أن تبذل المزيد من الجهود لقليل معدلات النمو السكاني كما يجب عليها أيضا أن توجه اهتماما أكبر لتطوير الموارد البشرية .
    13. Energy is necessary for development. It is essential for all productive activities required to achieve higher standards of living. Man’s great progress in industry and agriculture is due to energy.
    • إن الطاقة ضرورية للتطور و هي أساسية لكل الأنشطة الإنتاجية المطلوبة لتحقيق مستويات معيشة أعلي إن تقدم الإنسان الهائل في الصناعة و الزراعة يرجع إلى الطاقة .
    14. The Egyptian woman has acquired all her rights. She is also represented in all international organizations concerned with women’s affairs. Moreover, services are rendered to provide family guidance and child’s welfare.
    • لقد حصلت المرأة المصرية علي كل حقوقها و هي أيضا ممثلة في كل المنظمات الدولية المعنية بشئون المرأة و علاوة علي ذلك تقدم لها الخدمات التي توفر الإرشاد الأسري و رعاية الطفل.
    15. Egypt does its best to attract Arab and foreign capital for investment in the field of industry. We encourage the establishment of new industries as well as expanding the existing ones. Due attention has been given to introduce software and communication industries.
    • تبذل مصر ما بوسعها لجذب رؤوس الأموال العربية و الأجنبية للاستثمار في مجال الصناعة . إننا نشجع إقامة صناعات جديدة و كذلك التوسع في الصناعات القائمة كما حظيت صناعات البرمجة و الاتصالات بالعناية اللازمـة
    16. Great achievements have been made in Egypt to move population from narrow inhabited areas to new wider expanses. New cities near Cairo have been constructed and large areas of the desert have been reclaimed.
    • لقد تحققت إنجازات عظيمـة في مصر لنقل السكان من الناطق السكنية الضيقة إلي مناطق جديدة أكثر اتسـاعا و قد بنين مدن جديدة بالقرب من القاهرة و تم استصلاح مناطق كبيرة من الصحراء .
    17. Every year Egypt celebrates the International Child’s Day in November. Prizes are given to children who successfully take part in the “Reading for All” competition. Creative children in the different branches of knowledge are honoured.
    • تحتفل مصر كل عام باليوم العالمي للطفل في شهر نوفمبر و تمنح الجوائز للأطفال الذين شاركوا بنجاح في مسابقة القراءة للجميع و يتم أيضا تكريم الأطفال المبدعين في فروع المعرفة المختلفة.
    18. Egypt has always been known as the “Birthplace of Civilization” because of its long and rich history. We are now keen on restoring our glories to keep pace with progress in developed countries.
    • عرفت مصر دائما بأنها مهد الحضارة نظرا لتاريخها الطويل و الثري و نحن الآن مهتمون باستعادة أمجادنا لمواكبة التقدم في الدول المتطورة.
    19. Health is a splendid treasure that completes our happiness. It’s worth saying that we can’t really enjoy our life if we are unhealthy, however wealthy we may be. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard work. For unhealthy people, life is no more than pain and suffering.
    • إن الصحة كنز رائع يكمل سعادتنا و الدير بالذكر أننا لا نستطيع في الحقيقة الاستمتاع بحياتنا إذا لم نكن أصحاء مهما كنا أثرياء . إن الناس الأصحاء يفخرون دائما بما يستطيعون تحقيقه في مجالات الرياضة و العمل الشاق و بالنسبة للناس غير الأصحاء فان الحياة ليست أكثر من مجرد ألم و معاناة.
    20. The world’s ever increasing population means more houses, more roads, more factories, and this means less land for animals and plants. Over-population also means more waste and pollution, and this makes life increasingly difficult for many creatures.
    • إن التزايد المستمر في سكان العالم يعني المزيد من المساكن و المزيد من الطرق و المزيد من المصانع و هذا يعني أرض أقل للحيوانات و النباتات و التزايد السكاني يعني أيضا المزيد من الفضلات و التلوث و هذا يجعل الحياة صعبة بشكل متزايد لكثير من المخلوقات .
    21. Distance learning makes use of educational experts in the various branches of knowledge all over the world. We can make use of distance learning in all fields including the different branches of science.
    • إن التعلم عن بعد يستفيد من خبراء التعليم في فروع العلم المختلفة في كل أنحاء العالم ونحن نستطيع أن نستفيد من التعلم عن بعد في كل المجالات بما في ذلك فروع العلوم المختلفة.
    22. The promotion of international co-operation and peace through education is one of UNESCO’s basic aims. It is the only means for the accomplishment of prosperity, real and lasting peace among the peoples of the world.
    • إن تعزيز التعاون الدولي السلام من خلال التعليم هو أحد الأهداف الأساسية لمنظمة اليونسكو و هذه هي الوسيلة الوحيدة لتحقيق الرخاء و السلام الحقيقي و الدائم بين كل شعوب العالم .
    23. The government sets up industrial projects to increase our local production. It encourages the private sector to invest capital. It also demolishes the barriers that hinder economic progress.
    تقوم الحكومة بإنشاء المشروعات الصناعية لزيادة إنتاجنا المحلي و هي تشجع القطاع الخاص لاستثمار رؤوس الأموال و هي تقوم أيضا بإزالة الحواجز التي تعوق التقدم الاقتصـادي ,
    24. Undoubtedly, tourism is a chief source of national income and hard currency. The government exerts great efforts to develop the tourist industry. The aim is to attract a greater number of tourists to visit Egypt, the land of civilization.
    مما لا شك فيه أن السياحة مصدر رئيسي للدخل القومي و العملة الصعبة و تبذل الحكومة جهودا عظيمة لتطوير صناعة السياحة و الهدف من ذلك هو جذب عدد أكبر من السياح لزيارة مصر أرض الحضارة .
    25. Arab countries must co-operate economically to achieve prosperity for the Arab world. They should solve their problems in the Arab League. Besides, they have to encourage the Arab scientists to make progress in the field of science.
    ينبغي علي الدول العربية أن تتعاون اقتصاديا لتحقيق الرخاء للعالم العربي و يجب عليها حل مشكلاتها في الجامعة العربية و بالإضافة لذلك يجب أن تشجع العلماء العرب لتحقيق التقدم في مجال العلم.
    26. Some scientists have found that people are more likely to catch a cold when they are unhappy or under stress. This is because the immune system is less effective when we are worried. Doctors have also found out that people with mild colds get better if the doctor is kind.
    وجد بعض العلماء أن الناس من المحتمل أكثر أن يصابوا بالبرد عندما يكونون غير سعداء أو تحت ضغط و هذا لأن جهاز المناعة يكون أقل فعالية عندما نصاب بالقلق و قد وجد الأطباء أن الناس المصابون بنزلات برد خفيفة يتحسنون إذا كان الطبيب عطوفا.
    27. Many people like to collect things like stamps, for example. Some stamp collections are very valuable. Usually the fewer the number of people who have a stamp in their collections, the more valuable that stamp is.
    كثير من الناس يحب جمع الأشياء مثل طوابع البريد مثلا، و بعض مجموعات الطوابع هذه ذات قيمة كبيرة، و كلما قل عدد الأشخاص الذين يملكون طابعا معينا في مجموعاتهم، كلما زادت قيمة ذلك الطابع.
    28- Peace gives us a golden chance to carry out useful projects. It saves the money spent on wars and destructive weapons. In peace, this money can be used for building new factories, improving health care and solving the problems of housing and transport.
    يمنحنا السلام فرصة ذهبية لتنفيذ المشروعات المفيدة، و هو يوفر المال الذي ينفق علي الحروب و الأسلحة المدمرة، و في وقت السلام يمكن استخدام هذا المال في بناء المصانع الجديدة و تحسين الرعاية الصحية و حل مشكلات الإسكان و المواصلات.
    29- It is important not to waste the Earth's resources; we should turn off the lights, televisions and computers when we have finished using them. Thus we can help in saving energy.
    من المهم ألا نبدد الموارد الطبيعية فى باطن الأرض وعلينا إطفاء الأنوار وأجهزة التلفاز والحاسب الآلي عند الانتهاء من استخدامها وبذلك يمكننا المساعدة فى توفير الطاقة.
    30- The High Dam is one of the greatest projects made by man. It serves both industry and agriculture in Egypt. It has paved the way to constructing new factories and establishing new industries. An artificial lake has been formed to provide fish and store water for times of need.
     إن السد العالى من أعظم المشروعات التى قام بها الإنسان. فقد خدم كلاً من الصناعة و الزراعة فى مصر و مهد الطريق لبناء المصانع و تشييد صناعات جديدة و إنشاء بحيرة صناعية لتوفر الأسماك و لتخزين المياه لأوقات الحاجة.
    31. Man has to reach a balanced relation with the environment and its components. Hence, education plays an important role in deepening environmental awareness in students and transferring this into good modes of behaviour towards environmental preservation willingly.
     على الإنسان أن يصل إلى علاقة متوازنة مع البيئة ومكوناتها ومن ثم يلعب التعليم دورًا هاماً في تعميق الوعي البيئي للطلاب وترجمة /نقل هذا الوعى إلى أساليب سلوكية جيدة تجاه الحفاظ على البيئة عن طيب خاطر / طواعية
    32. Communication has become easier and the chance for individuals to obtain mass information at a great speed has become available. This has resulted in a feverish race among nations to obtain advanced technology.
     لقد أصبح الاتصال أكثر سهولة ويسر وفرص الأفراد في الحصول على المعلومات إجمالية وبسرعة فائقة أصبحت متاحة ونتج عن ذلك سباق محموم بين الأمم للحصول على تقنية متقدمة .
    33. There is no longer any doubt that smoking is a fatal habit In fact the number of those who have died because of smoking-related diseases surpasses the number of victims of epidemics, wars and accidents in our modern age.
     لم يعد هناك أى شك أن التدخين عادة مهلكة ففى الحقيقة عدد هؤلاء الذين ماتوا بسبب أمراض مرتبطة بالتدخين يفوق عدد ضحايا الأوبئة و الحروب والحوادث فى العصر الحديث.
    Translate into English: [answered]
    1- تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لتمكن المواطن المصرى من مجابهة ارتفاع نفقات المعيشة.
    • The government does its best to enable the Egyptian citizen to face the rising cost of living
    2- تبذل الحكومة جهدا عظيما لاستصلاح جزءا من الصحراء وتحويله الى حقول خضراء لتوفير الأمن الغذائى لكل مواطن.
    • The government makes a great effort to reclaim part of the desert and change it into green fields to provide food security for every citizen.
    3- تشجع الحكومة الصناعات المحلية حتى تستطيع أن تستغنى عن كثير من الواردات التى تحتاج الى عملية صعبة.
    • The government encourages local industries so that we can do without a lot of imports which need hard currency.
    4- للتلفزيون تأثير عظيم على الأطفال ولذا يجب أن يزيد ثقافتهم بطريقة بسيطة وشيقة.
    • Television has a great influence on children so it must increase their culture in a simple and interesting way.
    5- تسعى الحكومة الى توفير احتياجات الشعب بكل السبل وهذا يستلزم زيادة الانتاج وتنظيم النسل.
    • The government is trying to provide the people with what they need in every way. This requires the increase of production and birth control.
    6- ان الضوضاء التى تسببها المدينة الحديثة تؤثر تاثيرا سيئا على سمعنا.
    • The noise which is caused by modern civilization has a bad effect on our hearing.
    7- علينا ألا نزعج المرضى أو الطلبة الذين يستذكرون دروسهم وذلك بمراعاة الهدوء.
    • We mustn't disturb patients or students who study their lessons by keeping quiet .
    8- لقد أثبت الأطباء أن من لا يدخنون مطلقا يعيشون حياة أطول وأكثر صحة لذا تناقص عددا كثيرا من يدخن.
    • Doctors have proved that those who don’t smoke at all live a longer and healthier life. So, the number of those who smoke has greatly decreased.
    9- يتسلم الكتاب والعلماء جوائز قيمة كل عام فى حفل كبير يحضره رئيس الجمهورية ليسلم جوائزهم.
    • Writers and scientists receive valuable prize every year in a great ceremony. The president attends it to give them their prizes.
    10- لقد أصبح الاهتمام بالتعليم والعلوم من أهم الأهداف التى تسعى لتحقيقها خمهورية مصر العربية.
    • Interest in education and science has become one of the most important aims that the Arab Republic of Egypt tries to achieve.
    11- تنفذ الحكومة العديد من المشروعات لحل مشكلة النقل العام بالقاهرة.
    • The government carries out a lot of projects to solve the problem of public transport in Cairo.
    12- تساعد وسائل النقل الحديثة التجارة على النمو والازدهار.
    • Modern means of transport help trade to grow and flourish.
    13- فى الوقت الحاضر لا تستطيع أى دولة أن تقف بمعزل عن الدول الأخرى ولا تستطيع دولة أن تنتج كل ما تحتاج إليه من طعام.
    • At present, no country can stand in isolation from other countries. No country can produce all the food that it needs.
    14- علينا أن نتعلم كيف نعيش مع غيرنا من الناس. إن كل فرد يختلف عن الأخرين فى عدة نواحى.
    • We have to learn how to live with other people. Every individual differs from others in many aspects./(respects)
    15- لقد أدى العلم خدمات قيمة للإنسانية. لقد تمكن الإنسان من الوصول إلى القمر بعد غزوه للفضاء.
    • Science has rendered valuable services to humanity. Man has been able to reach the moon after his the space conquest.
    16- تستخدم الطاقة النووية فى مجالات الطب والصناعة والزراعة وتوليد الكهرباء.
    • The nuclear power is used in the fields of medicine industry, agriculture and generating electricity.
    17- لقد أصبح التلفزيون وسيلة لنشر المعرفة ويستمتع بمشاهدته الكبار والصغار على حد السواء.
    • Television has become a means of spreading knowledge. Both the old and the young enjoy watching it.
    18- الانفجار السكانى مشكلة تواجه الدول النامية وهى تعوق تقدمها حاضرها تكون مواردها الطبيعية محدودة.
    • Over-population is a problem that faces all developing countries. It hampers their progress especially when their natural resources are limited.
    19- ان زيادة الانتاج وتحسين نوعيته هما الطريق لتحقيق دخل يساعد على رفع مستوى المعيشة.
    • Increasing production and improving is quality are the only way to achieve an income which helps to raise the standard of living.
    20- تعتبر قناة السويس أعظم ممر مائى بين الشرق والغرب، ولقد أصبحت مصدرا هاما للدخل القومى.
    • The Suez Canal is the greatest water way between East and west. It has become an important source of national income.
    • 21- تأتى الأمانة فى قمة الصفات البارزة لأخلاق الانسان الفاضل.
    • Honesty comes at the top of the salient characteristics of a virtuous man.
    22- تمكننا المخترعات الحديثة من أن نحيا حياة أفضل وأكثر راحة.
    • Modern inventions enable use to lead a better and more comfortable life.
    23- يأتى السياح الى مصر للاستمتاع بمشاهدة المعابد الفرعونية القديمة والمتاحف والأماكن التاريخية.
    • Tourists come to Egypt to enjoy seeing the old Pharaonic temples, the museums and the historic places.
    24- إن العدل الاجتماعى هو الشرط الأساسى للسلام والاستقرار لأى مجتمع.
    • Social justice is the basic condition for peace and stability.
    25- إن الإقلاع عن العادات السيئة يتطلب عزيمة قوية.
    • Giving up bad habits needs/ requires a strong will.
    26- تقوى الألعاب الرياضية أجسامنا وتنعش عقولنا وتعلمنا التعاون والصبر وحب الوطن.
    • Sports and games strengthen our bodies and refresh our minds and teach us co-operation patience and love of our country.
    27- ان الطاقة الذرية مصدر خير للإنسان إذا أحسن استغلالها.
    • Atomic energy is a source of good to man if it is well exploited.
    • 28- من الطبيعي أن تكون لمصر علاقات قوية مع كل الدول لأنها دولة رائدة في كل المجالات.
    • It is normal for Egypt to have strong relations with all countries because it is a pioneering country in all fields.
    29- مهارات الكمبيوتر ضرورية للغاية لمواجهة المنافسة الشديدة في سوق العمل .
    • Computer skills are very necessary to face the severe competition in the labour market.
    30- يقاس تقدم الأمم بمدي اهتمامها بقضايا البيئة علي اختلاف أنواعها .
    • The progress of nations is measured by how much they are interested in the different kinds of environmental issues.
    31- إن حفلات الزفاف مناسبات هامة في كل بلد ، و هناك تقاليد للزفاف تختلف باختلاف البلد.
    • Wedding ceremonies are important occasions in every country. Wedding traditions differ from one country to another.
    32- إن الخيال العلمي عادة ما يكون محاولة جادة للكتابة عن شكل الحياة في المستقبل أو في عالم آخر.
    • Science fiction is usually a serious attempt to write about how life will be like in the future or in a another world.
    33- أحب الذهاب إلى الأوبرا للاستمتاع بالموسيقي الراقية .
    • I like going to the opera to enjoy fine music.
    34- إن الجهود التي تبذل من أجل تحسين الصحة لا يمكن أن تتم بنجاح إلا بتعاون الأفراد مع الحكومة.
    • The efforts exerted to improve health cannot be successfully achieved unless individuals cooperate with the government.
    35- إن هوايتي المفضلة هي قراءة القصص الخيالية و الاستماع إلى الموسيقي.
    • My favourite hobby is reading imaginary stories and listening to music.
    36-يقدم العلماء الجديد كل يوم لخدمة البشرية .
    • Every day scientists offer something new for the welfare of mankind.
    37- سيتغير العام القادم شكل و محتوي الكتاب المدرسي.
    • Next year, the shape and content of the school book will be changed.
    38-إن الاهتمام بتطوير التعليم من أهم الأهداف التي تسعي مصر لتحقيقها.
    • The interest in developing education is one of the most important goals that Egypt seeks to achieve.
    39- الحضارة تزدهر أفضل في أوقات السلام.
    • Civilization flourishes well during peace times.
    40. توفر الحكومة فرصا للشباب للعمل وكسب الرزق وذلك بتقديم القروض لإقامة مشروعات صغيرة خاصة بهم.
    • The government provides young people with opportunities for work and earning their living by offering them loans to set up their own projects.
    41. يجب أن يشجع الآباء و المعلمون الأطفال الصغار على الذهاب إلى المكتبات لاستعارة الكتب التى يحبونها.
    • Parents and teachers should encourage children to go to the libraries to borrow the books they like.
    42. إن الطريقة التى يربى بها الوالدان أطفالهم تؤثر على حياتهم فى المستقبل.
    • The way / method by which parents bring up their children affect their life in the future.
    43. تشجع الحكومة الصناعات المحلية حتى نستغني عن كثير من الواردات التى تحتاج إلى الكثير من العملة الصعبة.
    • The government encourages the local industries to dispense with a lot of imports that need a lot of hard currency.
    44. إن القراءة هـى مفتاح المعرفة والعمل الجاد هـو الطريق إلى السعادة.
    • Reading is the key to knowledge and hard work is the way to happiness.
    45. يعتبر المال رمزا للغنى ولكنه ليس بالضرورة رمزا للسعادة.
    • Money is considered a symbol of wealth/ richness but not necessarily happiness.
    46. يعتبر إنشاء الكثير من مكتبات الأطفال خطوة هـامة نحو إثراء ثقافة الطفل
    • Establishing child's libraries is considered an important step towards enriching the child's culture.
    47. تعلم كيف تستفيد بوقتك و إلا لن تنجح فى حياتك .
    • Learn how to make use of your time or / otherwise you will not succeed in life.
    48. إن الطاقة الذرية سلاح ذو حدين فهى نعمة فى وقت السلم ونقمة فى وقت الحرب.
    • Atomic energy is a double-edged weapon as it is a blessing in time of peace and a disaster in time of war.
    49. يقوم العلماء بأبحاث عديدة للاستفادة القصوى من مصادر الطاقة المتجددة كالماء و الرياح و الطاقة النووية.
    • Scientists do a lot of research to make full use of renewable sources of energy such as water, wind and nuclear energy.
    50. لا يستطيع الإنسان بأي حال من الأحوال أن يستغنى عن الماء و الهواء و لولاهما لهلكت جميع الكائنات الحية.
    • Man, by no means can't do without / dispense with water and air. Without them all living things would perish.
    51. تقوم المرأة المصرية بدور فعال فى كل نواحى الحياة و تسهم بقدر كبير فى تقدم بلادها.
    • The Egyptian woman plays an important part / a vital role in all aspects / walks of life and greatly contributed to her country's progress.
    52. تقوم السيدة سوزان مبارك سيدة مصر الأولى بدور حيوى فى المجالات الاجتماعية والثقافية والحفاظ على البيئة وذلك على المستويات المحلية أو الإقليمية أو الدولية
    • Egypt's first lady Mrs. Suzan Mubarak plays a vital role in cultural and social fields as well as the environment preservation on all levels: local, territorial or international.
    53- يعتبر مترو الأنفاق واحد من أعظم الانجازات الهندسية وهويساهم مساهمة عظيمة فى حل مشكلة المواصلات فى القاهرة الكبرى.
    • The underground is considered one of the greatest achievements that contributes greatly to solving the problem of transport in Greater Cairo.
    54. التربية البدنية ضرورية لصحة الطفل المصرى.
    • Physical education is necessary for the health of the Egyptian child.
    55. ُيعتبر التلوث البيئي السبب الرئيسي لتغير المناخ والاحتباس الحرارى و ظهور مشكلة التصحر.
    • Environmental pollution is considered the main reason for the change in the earth's climate, global warming and the emergence of the problem of desertification.

    "اجابة تراجم نماذج الوزارة"

    1- أحب قراءة قصص المغامرات لأنها تثير عندي حب الاستطلاع.
    1-I like reading adventure stories as it arouses my curiosity.
    2- تقينا المظلات من حرارة الشمس صيفا و المطر شتاء.
    2-Umbrellas protect us from the sun heat in summer and winter rain.
    3- يجب علينا معاملة ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة بطريقة إنسانية و ذلك بدمجهم مع قرنائهم.
    3-we should treat with special needs in a humane manner and integrate them with their fellows.
    4- يجب أن يتعاون الجيران على حل مشكلاتهم بالطرق الودية.
    4-Neighbors should cooperate to solve their problems amicably (kindly) ( in a friendly way).
    5- توسع قصص الخيال العلمي المدارك كما أنها تجدد المعلومات و تثرى المعرفة.
    5- Science fiction stories broaden minds and they renew information and enrich the knowledge.
    6- يعتبر محمد ابو تريكة مثل طيب للشباب بسبب تواضعه و أخلاقه الحميدة.
    6-Mohamed Abu Trika is a good example for young people because of his modesty and good morals.
    7- إن الشخص المتفائل غالبا ما يلتزم بعملة على عكس الشخص المتشائم.
    7-An optimist usually keeps to ( is usually Committed to)his work in contrast with(unlike) a pessimist.
    8- ليست الحرية أن تعمل ما تحب و إنما أن تعمل ما يجب عمله.
    8- Freedom is not to do what you love, but to do what must be done
    9- استغل المصريون القدماء التحنيط للحفاظ على أجساد ملوكهم بحالة جيدة.
    9-The ancient Egyptians used mummification(Embalmment) to preserve the bodies of their kings in good condition.
    10- التعلم مدى الحياة شعار تبنته كل دول العالم بما فيها مصر.
    10-Lifelong learning is a logo (slogan/motto) adopted by all countries of the world, including Egypt.
    11- تلعب المدرسة دورا فعالا و مؤثرا في خلق جيل واع بتحديات المستقبل .
    11-School plays an active and effective role in creating a generation aware of the challenges of the future.
    12- يجب على المواطنين معرفة واجباتهم قبل المطالبة بحقوقهم في ظل الديمقراطية .
    12-Citizens must know their duties prior to claim their rights in a democracy.
    13- عليك أن تتخلص من مخاوفك التي ليس لها تبرير مقنع .
    13-You have to get rid of your fears that have no convincing justification.
    14- الزراعة العضوية يمكن أن تحل مشكلة نقص الغذاء في العالم.
    14-Organic farming can solve the problem of lack( shortage) of food in the world.
    15- يمكنك شراء ما تريد و أنت جالس في منزلك عبر شبكة الانترنت.

    15-You can buy what you want, while sitting in your home through the Internet.
    16-يشهد عصرنا الحالي طفرة هائلة في عالم الاتصالات و التكنولوجيا الحديثة.
    16-The present age is witnessing a great breakthrough in the world of communications and modern technology.
    17- تعلم مهارات التفكير الناقد تساعدنا على مواجهة تحديات العصر.
    17-Learning critical thinking skills will help us meet the challenges of the age.
    18-أثبتت مصر للعالم كله قدرتها على تنظيم مسابقات عالمية بكفاءة.
    18-Egypt proved to the whole world its ability to organize(host) international competitions efficiently.
    19- نظمت مصر مسابقة كاس العالم للشباب تحت العشرين بنجاح.
    19-Egypt hosted the World Cup for young people under twenty successfully.
    20- تعتبر زيارة أوباما لمصر بمثابة عهد جديد مع الدول العربية.
    20-Obama's visit to Egypt is considered a new testament with the Arab countries
    21- يجب أن يتسلح الشباب بالعمل و التكنولوجيا حتى يحققوا طموحاتهم.
    21-Young people must be equipped to work and technology in order to achieve their ambitions.
    22- تبذل الحكومة جهودا مضنية للقضاء على الأمية و لتحقيق التقدم و الاستقرار.
    22-Government is making ( exerting) strenuous efforts to eradicate illiteracy and to achieve progress and stability.
    23- مصر فخورة بعلمائها الذين حققوا إنجازات علمية في جميع المجالات.
    23-Egypt is proud of its scientists who have made scientific achievements in all fields.
    24- بجب أن تتعاون الدول المحبة للسلام لحماية الإنجازات البشرية من الدمار.
    24-Peace-loving nations must cooperate to protect the human achievements from destruction.
    تراجم امتحانات الثانوية العامة من سنه 1980 حتى 2008:-
    Translate into English:- @
    1- يحذر الأطباء الناس من التدخين إذ أنه السبب فى كثير من ألأمراض (ث. ع 1980)
    2- تبذل الحكومه أقصى جهدها لتمكن المواطن المصرى من مجابهه ارتفاع تكاليف المعيشه (ث. ع 1980)
    3- يتسلم الكتاب والعلماء جوائز قيمه كل عام فى حفل كبيرو يحضر هذا الحفل رئيس الجمهوريه ليسلمهم الجوائز (ث.ع( 1981
    4- لقد أثبت الأطباء أن من لا يدخنون مطلقا يعيشون حياه أطول وأكثر صحه لذا تناقص كثيرا عدد المدخنين .(ث.ع 1982)
    5- يعتبر تهر النيل مصدرا للرخاء لشعبى مصر والسودان (ث.ع 1983(
    6- من الطبيعى ان تكون لمصر علاقات قويه مع السودان. (ث.ع 1983)
    7- إن الضوضاء التى تسببها المدنيه الحديثه تؤثر تأثيرا سيئا عى سمعنا. (ث ع( 1984)
    8- علينا ألا نزعج المرضى أو الطلبه الذين يستذكرون دروسهم وذلك بمراعاه الهدؤ. (ث.ع (1984)
    9- تسعى الحكومه الى توفير احتياجات الشعب بكل السبل وهذا يستلزم زياده الانتاج. (ث.ع 1985))
    10- يجب أن نتحد ونقف كرجل واحد خلف رئيسنا المحبوب الذى يعمل فى صمت من أجل رخاء مصر. (ث.ع( 1986
    11-إن السد العالى يعنى لكل مصرى فخور بمصريته مياها تروى الأرض وتحمى الشعب من قحط الجفاف وكهرباء تدير
    مصانعه (ث.ع 1987)
    12- جرت العاده أن تحتفل كل اسره فى مصر بعيد الام فى الحادى والعشرون من مارس كل عام ونظرا لاشتراك كل فرد
    فى الاسره فى هذا الاحتفال فقد سمى بعيد الاسره (ث.ع (1988)
    13- إن تزايد السكان فى دوله ناميه يعوقها عن التقدم السريع (ث.ع 1989)
    14- يعد إنشاء الكثير من مكتبات الطفل خطوه هامه نحو إثراء ثقافه الطفل (ث.ع 1990)
    15- ستكون جنوب سيناء فى المستقبل القريب مركز سياحيا هاما.
    16- لقد وهب الله مصر كثير من الموارد الطبيعيه التى لو احسن استغلالها لاصبحنا من أغنى الدول(ث.ع 1991)
    17- من الضرورى إعاده النظر فى الخريطه السكانيه لمصر والاتجاه لاستصلاح الصحراء بدلا من التكدس على ضفتى
    النيل (92)
    18- تنعم مصر بثوره ثقافيه تتمثل فى مكتبات الاطفال و الشباب فى المدن والقرى على السواء (ث.ع 1993)
    19- مسؤليه كل مصرى تجاه الاشجار والزهور كبيره فهى تقلل من نسبه التلوث البيئ (ث ع 1994(
    20- تشحع الحكومه رجال الاعمال فى المصريين على إنشاء المصانع وإستصلاح الاراضى خاصه فى سيناء والمناطق
    الصحراويه (ث.ع 1995(
    21- كان لزاما على مصر أن تدعو لمؤتمر عالمى يهدف إلى الإستمرار فى عمليه السلام ومكافحه الارهاب (ث.ع 1996(
    22- يستطيع المصريون تحويل الصحراء الى ارض خضراء لانتاج المزيد من الغذاء (ث.ع 1996))
    23- للاختراعات الحديثه الكثير من المزايا كما ؟أن لها بعض العيوب (ث.ع 1997(
    24- تتطلع جميع شعوب العالم الى العيش معا فى حب وسلام (ث.ع 1997(
    25- لقد فاز الفريق القومى المصرى لكره القدم بكأس افريقيا واسعد كل المصريين (ث.ع (1998)
    26- إن زراعه الصحراء وبناء المدن الجديده ينمى الاقتصاد القومى ويحل الكثير من المشاكل الاجتماعيه (ث.ع (1998
    27- كل عام يسلم رئيس الجمهوريه الكتاب والعلماء المتميزين جوائز قيمه (ث.ع 1999(
    28- على كل فرد أن يشارك فى تحمل المسؤليه للتغلب على مشاكلنا الاقتصاديه والاجتماعيه والبيئيه (ث.ع 1999)
    29- تبذل الحكومه أقصى جهدها لإيجاد فرص عمل للشباب وبناء مساكن لهم ( ث.ع 2000)
    30- يجب ان نستخدم أفضل الطرق لتربيه أطفالنا الصغار (ث.ع 2000(
    31- فى كل عام يأتى السياح الى مصر ليستمتعوا بالجو الجميل فى الشتاء (ث.ع (2000)
    32- تعمل الدوله على رعايه الموهوبين وتنميه مواهبهم (ث.ع 2001(
    33- يقدم العلماء الجديد كل يوم لخدمه البشريه(2001(
    34- ان هوايتى المفضله هى قراءه القصص الخياليه والاستماع الى الموسيقى (2ث)(2001
    35- سيتغير العام القادم شكل ومحتوى الكتاب المدرسى (2ث 2002)
    36- ان المعرفه والابتكار هما قاعدتا التقدم فى المستقبل (2ث 2002(
    37- ان حفلات الزفاف مناسبات هامه فى كل بلد وهناك تقاليد للزفاف تختلف باختلاف البلد (ث.ع)(2002)
    38- ان الخيال العلمى عاده ما يكون محاوله جاده للكتابه عن شكل الحياه فى المستقبل او فى عالم اخر (ث.ع( 2002)
    39- نفخر بأن التعليم هو المشروع القومى الأول فى مصر (ث.ع 2003)ا
    40- أحب الذهاب الى الأوبرا للاسمتاع بالموسيقى الراقيه (ث0ع 2003(
    41- تتأثر السياحه تأثرا كبيرا بالاحداث الجاريه فى العالم (2ث( 2003)
    42- تولى الحكومه اهتماما كبيرا لإقامه المشروعات فى توشكى والوادى الجديد (2ث (2003)
    43- الحضاره تزدهر افضل فى اوقات السلام (2ث 2004(
    44- يجب ان يلتحق الطالب بالكليه التى تناسب مواهبه وقدراته (2ث (2004)
    45- يجب ان نستخدم التكنولوجيا الحديثه فى جميع مجالات الحياه وخاصه الانتاج (ث.ع (2004)
    46- ان الجهود التى تبذل من اجل تحسين الصحه لايمكن ان تتم بنجاح الا بتعاون الافراد مع الحكومه (ث.ع (2004)
    47- تنشأ المكتبات العامه فى كل مكان لتشجيع افراد الاسره على القراءه (ث.ع 2005(
    48- لقد اصبح متاحا لكل طالب اقتناء جهاز حاسب الى (ث.ع 2005(
    49- يجب ان يعرف العالم بأسره ان مصر بلد محب للسلام وضد الارهاب (2ث (2005)
    50- لقد تقدمت جراحه زراعه القلب فى مصر تقدما ملحوظا (2ث 2005(
    51- تدعو الديانات السماويه كلها الى الحب والسلام والتسامح ونبذ العنف (2ث 2006(
    52- لقد وهب الله مصر الكثير من الاماكن السياحيه الجذابه والطقس الرائع (2ث 2006(
    53- حصلت مصر على كأس الأمم الأفريقيه هذا العام محققه بذلك انجازا عظيما (ث.ع 2006(
    54- يستخدم الطلاب المصريون أجهزه الكمبيوتر فى مدارسهم وسيكون لذلك أثره العظيم فى تقدم مصر (ث.ع 2006(
    55- من حقك ان تعبر عن رأيك بحريه ولكن يجب ان تحترم رأى الأخرين (ث.ع 2007(
    56- يجب أن نستفيد من تجارب الأخرين فى الصناعه والتكنولوجيا (ث.ع (2007)
    57- تحذر الدوله الشباب دائما من الهجره غير الشرعيه لتجنب التعرض للمخاطر (2ث (2007)
    58- كان للعلماء والمفكرين العرب تأثير كبير على الثقافه الغربيه (2ث 2007(
    59- نحن نعيش الأن عصر الأتصالات الذى جعل العالم عالما مفتوحا (ث.ع 2008(
    60- يجب على الوالدين توجيه ورعايه ابنائهم ليواصلوا رحله الحياه بأمان (ث.ع (2008)
    61- الأسعار المرتفعه ونقص الطعام هما المشكلتين الرئيستين التى تعانى منهما كل دول العالم (2ث (2008)
    62- تشغل قضيه حقوق الإنسان الآن الاهتمام الرئيسى لمنظمات عالميه مختلفه (2ث 2008(
    إجابات تراجم الامتحانات من ( 1980- 2008)
    1- Doctors warn people against smoking as it is the cause of many diseases.
    2- The government does its best to enable the Egyptian citizen to face the rising cost of living.
    3- Every year writers and scientists receive valuable prizes (awards) in a great ceremony. The president attends this ceremony to give the prizes to them.
    4- Doctors have proved that those who don't smoke at all live a longer and healthier life . Therefore, the number of smokers has greatly decreased..
    5- The River Nile is considered a source of prosperity for the peoples of Egypt and the Sudan.
    6- It is natural for Egypt to have strong relations with the Sudan.
    7- The noise caused by modern civilization has a bad effect on our hearing.
    8- We mustn't disturb patients or students studying their lessons by keeping quiet.
    9- The government is trying to provide people with what they need by all possible means. This requires increasing production.
    10-We must unite and stand as one man behind our beloved president who works in silence for the sake of the prosperity of Egypt.
    11-The High Dam means to any Egyptian, who is proud of being so, the water that irrigates the land and protects people (the people) from drought, and the electricity that operates factories and lights houses.
    12- It is the habit of every Egyptian family to celebrate the Mother's Day on 21st March every year. It is now called the Family Day due to each member's participation in this celebration .
    13- The increase of population in a developing country hinders its rapid progress.
    14- The establishment of ( Establishing / Setting up / Building ) many libraries for children is considered an important step towards enriching the child's ( children's ) culture.
    15-South Sinai will be an important centre for tourism in the near future.
    16- Allah ( God ) has bestowed ( gifted ) Egypt with lots of natural resources. If we make good use of them, we will be one of the richest countries.
    17- It is necessary for us to ( We must ) reconsider the population map of Egypt and go to the desert to reclaim it instead of overcrowding on the two banks of the Nile.
    18- Egypt enjoys a cultural revolution in the form of libraries for children and the youth in cities and villages alike.
    19- The responsibility of every Egyptian towards trees and flowers is great because they reduce the percentage of the environmental pollution.
    20- The government encourages the Egyptian businessmen to set up factories and reclaim the desert especially in Sinai and desert areas.
    21- It was necessary for Egypt to ( Egypt had to ) call for an international conference which aims at continuing the peace process and fighting ( combating ) terrorism.
    22-The Egyptians can turn ( change) the desert into green land to produce more food.
    23- Modern advantages have many advantages as well as some disadvantages.
    24- All countries of the world look forward to living together in love and peace.
    25- The Egyptian national football team won the African Cup of Nations and pleased all Egyptians.
    26- Cultivating the desert and building new cities develop national economy and solve many social problems.
    27- Every year the President of the Republic gives the distinguished writers and scientists valuable awards.
    28- Everyone should share in shouldering ( bearing ) the responsibility to overcome our economic, social, and environmental problems.
    29- The government is doing its best to provide ( create / find ) job opportunities for the youth and build houses( set up buildings) for them.
    30- We should use the best methods to bring up our young children.
    31- Every year tourists come to Egypt to enjoy the fine ( beautiful ) weather in winter.
    32- The state pays attention to talented people and develops their talents.
    33- Every day, scientists offer something new for the welfare of mankind
    34- My favourite hobby is reading imaginary stories and listening to music.
    35- Next year the shape and content of the school book will be changed. ( will change )
    36- Knowledge and innovation ( inventiveness ) are the two bases of progress in the future.
    37-Wedding ceremonies are important occasions in every country. Each country has its own wedding traditions.
    38- Science fiction is normally ( usually ) a serious attempt to write about the form of life ( how life would be ) in the future.
    39- We are proud that education is the first national project in Egypt.
    40- I like going to the Opera to enjoy fine music.
    41- Tourism is greatly affected by the current events in the world.
    42- The government gives due care to ( pays great attention to ) carrying put projects and the New Valley.
    43- Civilization flourishes better in peace times. ( times of peace )
    44- A student should join the faculty which suits his talents ( gifts ) and abilities.
    45- Modern technology should be used in all fields ( aspects ) of life especially in the field of production.
    46- The efforts exerted to improve health can't be successively achieved unless the individuals cooperate with the government .
    47- Public libraries are built ( established / constructed / set up ) everywhere to encourage the members of the family ( the family members ) to read.
    48- It has become available for every student to get ( own ) a personal computer.
    49- The whole world must ( ought to ) know that Egypt is a peace-loving country and against terrorism.
    50- Heart transplant surgery has remarkably developed in Egypt.
    51- All heavenly religions call for love, peace, tolerance , and rejecting violence.
    52- God has gifted Egypt with lots of (many / several / numerous ) attractive tourist places and wonderful weather.
    53- This year Egypt has won the African Cup of Nations, thus realizing a great achievement.
    54- Egyptian students use computers at their schools. This will have a great effect on the progress of Egypt.
    55- It is your right to ( You have the right to / Your right is to ) express your opinion freely, but you must ( ought to ) respect the others.
    56- We should benefit from ( make use of ) the experiences of others in industry and technology.
    57- The state always warns young people against illegal immigration to avoid dangers ( risks ).
    58- Arab scientists had a great influence ( effect ) on western culture.
    59-We live in the age of communications which has made the world an open one ( world ).
    60-Parents should care for their children and guide them to continue the journey of life safely.
    61- High prices and lack of food are two major / the most two serious problems that all world countries suffer from
    62- The issue ( case / cause ) of human rights receives great attention ( interest ) from different international organizations.
    مستر /عطيه خضرى عطيه
    قلين / كفر الشيخ

    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو misterattia



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  1. تحميل برنامج Norton Internet Security 2011 - برنامج نورتون 2011
    بواسطة moamen0010 في المنتدى منتدى البرامج العام والشروحات المصورة
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    آخر مشاركة: 14 - 3 - 2012, 09:08 PM
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  4. مفاتيح كاسبر KasperSky لإصدارات ( 7, 2009, 2010, 2011 ) تم التحديث 03 / 06 / 2011
    بواسطة زهرة قلبي في المنتدى منتدى البرامج العام والشروحات المصورة
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    آخر مشاركة: 14 - 6 - 2011, 10:27 PM

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنتديات مصراوي كافيه 2010 ©