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  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    10 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    الاردن - الكرك
    النوع : ذكر Jordan الفريق المفضل  : الاهلي

    افتراضي What happens if an insect falls in a cup of coffee?!

    What happens if an insect falls in a cup of coffee?!

    The British : will throw the cup into the street and leave the coffee shop for good.

    The American
    : will get the insect out and drink thecoffee.

    The Chinese
    : will eat the insect and drink the coffee.

    The Israeli will
    (1) Sell the coffee to the American and the insect to the Chinese.
    (2) Cry on all media channels that he feels insecure.
    (3) Accuse
    the Palestinians, Hizb Allah , Syria and Iran of using germ-weapons.
    (4) Keep on crying about anti-semitism and violations of human rights.
    (5) Ask the Palestinian President to stop planting insects in the cups
    of coffee.
    (6) Re-occupy the West Bank, Gaza
    (7) Demolish houses, confiscate lands, cut water and electrity from
    Palestinian houses and randomly shoot Palestinians.
    (8) Ask the United States for urgent military support and a loan of one million dollars in order to buy a new cup of coffee.
    (9) Ask the United Nations to punish the coffee-shop owner by making
    him offer free coffee to him till the end of the century.
    (10) Last but not least, accuse the whole world to be standing still, not even sympathizing with the Israeli Nation.

    So take care if you have such customers.

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    16 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    دنيا فانية
    النوع : انثيJordan

  3. افتراضي

    wow so wondwerful!but i wonder if it was ur subject.i mean it was written by u .as if it was then u r agood thinker
    دموع العين جاريه والقلب تحرقه فى اضلعى النار .ان ضل قلبى فقلبى انت تعرفه او كان ذنبى عظيما ....انت غفار,ياغافر الذنب انت غفار.
    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو ارنوب الجديد

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    18 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    النوع : انثيJordan

  5. افتراضي

    good 4
    nice one



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