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  1. #31
    تاريخ التسجيل
    16 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    دنيا فانية
    النوع : انثيJordan

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY


  2. #32
    تاريخ التسجيل
    20 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    مقالات المدونة
    النوع : ذكر Egypt

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    oh,my head
    i talk a butcher

  3. افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    today.s issue------------
    do u feel nervus during som e problem and the one who made it and if he talk to u at ths time
    u want to kill him but if he stays the day after and talk to u u feel sooooooo calm as nothing happened etween both of u and take the problem easy
    and forgive him (do u understand any thing from me)

  4. #34
    تاريخ التسجيل
    13 - 1 - 2008
    ساكن في
    Khartoum, Sudan, Sudan
    النوع : ذكر Sudan

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    Creative thanked Position
    لم لا نحبك يا بشير وقد اخرجت السودان من عبودية كنا نعيشها, ولم لا نحبك يا بشير والسودان قد تحول رقما لا يستهان به , ولم لا نحبك يا بشير وقد تدفق الذهب الاسود رغم انف الحاقدين ,
    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو عزالدين حسون

  5. #35

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    Hey guys ... we wanna talk about GAZA and the broken Souls
    so who will begin
    SomeTimes It's Hard To Keep On SomeThing
    That's Life .. Nothing remains ForEver

    But What Life can't change or Clear
    The Great Moments We shared One Day

    Life Can Separate Lovers, Friends even Families
    But In The Heart They will always Be in There

    We Know People appreciate Them without Seeing Them
    Though They Affected Us Deep What Make Us Thankful


    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو AhMeD El-Za3eEm

  6. افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    gaza what asad story reaks hearts
    ohhhh poor people childerns .mothers. pregnants. old peaple all of them suffer
    and we just watch them in pain without doind any thing how can we save them
    we need to make them feel our support
    we must pray for them and ask god to solve their problem very sooner we can.t witness their crying and thier stolen rights
    without doing nothing
    lets stand by them and try to do our best
    thanks zaem for this topic >

  7. #37

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    Ur words Mona are ... i can' find a sutible word
    But just Praying .. I don' think just praying will be enough
    !!? when just praying was enough

    All what i know that allah order us to pray and wish thing to be done
    no, we should pray and ACT
    But the problem is we can't act .. cause we don' know how to act
    or what to do, simply we became useless

    We need our up rise, up rise with our selves
    Up rise aganist the coraption
    We Need to reborn again with new values, with new souls to do something
    cause right now our souls are in prison and broken of whar happen every single second
    oh god, we need many things to act .. and i think we are not ready
    ... we are not ready
    SomeTimes It's Hard To Keep On SomeThing
    That's Life .. Nothing remains ForEver

    But What Life can't change or Clear
    The Great Moments We shared One Day

    Life Can Separate Lovers, Friends even Families
    But In The Heart They will always Be in There

    We Know People appreciate Them without Seeing Them
    Though They Affected Us Deep What Make Us Thankful


    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو AhMeD El-Za3eEm

  8. #38
    تاريخ التسجيل
    16 - 11 - 2007
    ساكن في
    دنيا فانية
    النوع : انثيJordan

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    Yes Ahmad we are not ready yet ...so what should we do & when can we be ready ...we need to really really care ...we need to feel with our brothers in Gaza ...we should imagin ourselves in their place .. how could we do anything to help them if we don't really feel their pain & misery

    I'll be back to discuss more about Gaza with you ..may be we'll reach to something ..

    ya who knows --may be and why not ?....
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة طيف عابر ; 29 - 1 - 2008 الساعة 09:36 PM

  9. #39

    افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    Yeah you are right .. But I feel that i'm useless
    What should we do ?!! What in our hands to make ?!!
    SomeTimes It's Hard To Keep On SomeThing
    That's Life .. Nothing remains ForEver

    But What Life can't change or Clear
    The Great Moments We shared One Day

    Life Can Separate Lovers, Friends even Families
    But In The Heart They will always Be in There

    We Know People appreciate Them without Seeing Them
    Though They Affected Us Deep What Make Us Thankful


    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو AhMeD El-Za3eEm

  10. افتراضي رد: FrEe DiScUsSiOn .. EnTeR & SaY wHaT u WaNNa 2 SaY

    anther issue iwant to talk about
    i can see nawdays problems in the cafe some people doesn't respect each others i can't believe whar happened do we forget to select respectable wards to each other and don't make people get angry from us
    we r all family whatever problems
    we have we shouldn't make these problems affect our conversation
    and forget nice wards if u or me make any one angry go to him right now and apologize even if u r n't wrong


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