Our problem in the Sudan, national causes do not know about something, received one talked about the rule and the problem of Palestine and the occupation of Iraq, and at the same time could not open his mouth to the problem of school uniforms Halaib, was Ahtlallagha ploy (( attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak)), a simple question, Bashir forgot the subject and not Halaib What??? Aljbahjih want to speak on this subject and without Eloquence and cursing America without reason.
Also our share of the Nile water, which is able to store and Bmshee to Egypt annually ((advanced by the agreement signed between Egypt and Sudan)), it will be Egypt,??
When we look back Halaib, we are in the Sudanese flag Halaib,
A question of the army and the Sudanese leader Bashir and the rest of the campaign medals that have fought in wars since graduating college Aharbehu until retirement.
A question also for the children who commit Forum front of the screaming and defend the system saw him moral and political corruption and economic worst is the system of governance. Is it aversion, or the mobilization of Halaib, when you are brave and Tkovn on anti-Eritrea sister State, which did not occupy No inch of us, and not cause days in Masina throughout history., when Thabon to restore Halaib
Is Halaib the price for the attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak?? Where class and for the
protection of the Sudan on land, sea and air,??