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الموضوع: All my life

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    27 - 4 - 2009
    ساكن في
    محافظة المنوفية
    النوع : ذكر Egypt

    غضب وزعل All my life

    All of My Life All of my life , I love longed for someone like you So warm and tender, with love so true You light up my life With each passing day, Now that I have found you I will never let you get away The beauty of your smile, and The warmth of your heart. The great inner beauty you possess, Is what won me over, And did from the very start. As I sit here and think of you, The memories of how we met are ever so strong. You came into my life At a time I felt so alone. All of my life Ive longed For someone who would love me, You captured my mind and soul, So you, my love, you are the key To my heart door. Each day we are together, Is another day in paradise. nowing Ive finally Surely does feel so nice. No more lonely days and nights, For they are gone forever, never to come again. Since you came into my life, I have so much love to Give to you from within. The birds are flying high in the sky, Singing melodies of love found for you and I. My mind, soul and body Are yours until the day I shall die. And even after then The memory of love we have for each other Will speak to us for all eternity. And another page of love Will be written in history. As days go by lets you and I Keep the love we have between us alive. As the hair on our heads grows gray. We will look back at these precious memories of love with a smile. There will be no one who Can take this love away from us. Because in god and each other, We will forever put our treat. All of my life I have dreamed Of love so true and pure, Like yours Now that I have found you, Throughout all eternity this Love of ours will always endure. I know we both are human And are prone to make mistakes All of our mistakes, we will work through, For true love is our fate. Who love you so much Each and everyday I lone For your loving touch. This day I pledge my love to you for always For better or for worse, until death do us part. Our hearts will blend into one heart. You and I will always be. The reality that dreams come true. All of my life I have dreamed of you, Now my soul is at peace forever. For you are here finally. All My Life
    أنت من تملك حياتك وأنت من تعيشها فبإرادتك أن تجعلها جنة صغيرة سعيدة
    وبإرادتك أن تجعها سوداء مليئة بالأحزان .. فلك الخيار لتختار
    وابتسم لأنك تملك الخيار الصحيح
    أخوكم فى الله
    عـــمـاد عــيـــــــــــــد

    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو emadbatta

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    30 - 11 - 2008
    ساكن في
    Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
    النوع : انثيEgypt الفريق المفضل  : الاهلي


    soooooooooooooooooo beauteful
    thanks so mush for the nice topic



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