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الموضوع: jokesssss

  1. كووول jokesssss

    TEACHER : Why are you late, Frank

    FRANK : Because of the sign.

    TEACHER : What sign

    ".FRANK : The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow

    ____________ _________ _________

    TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor
    !!JOHN : You told me to do it without using tables

    "TEACHER : Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile
    GLENN : K-R-O-K-O-D- A-I-L
    TEACHER : No, that's wrong
    GLENN : Maybe it s wrong, but you asked me how I spell it
    ____________ _________ _________

    TEACHER : Donald, what is the chemical formula for water
    DONALD : H I J K L M N O
    TEACHER : What are you talking about

    !DONALD : Yesterday you said it's H to O
    ____________ _________ _________

    TEACHER : Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago

    !!WINNIE : Me

    ____________ _________ _________

    TEACHER : Goss, why do you always get so dirty

    GOSS : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are

    "TEACHER : Millie, give me a sentence starting with "I
    ........MILLIE : I is

    "TEACHER : No, Millie..... Always say, "I am

    MILLIE : All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet

    TEACHER : Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE
    TINO : Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day, same time
    ___________ _________ _________

    TEACHER : George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him

    LOUIS : Because George still had the axe in his hand.
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    TEACHER : Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating

    SIMON : No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cooker.

    TEACHER : Clyde, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his

    CLYDE : No, teacher, it's the same dog
    ___________ _________ _________

    TEACHER : Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested

    HAROLD : A teacher
    I hope that these jokes have all Laugh

  2. #2

    افتراضي رد: jokesssss

    they are so funny .. i can' stop laughing
    thankx Manon sooo much
    the most jokes i liked .. the one of washington and the one of coincidence
    really bravo Manon
    SomeTimes It's Hard To Keep On SomeThing
    That's Life .. Nothing remains ForEver

    But What Life can't change or Clear
    The Great Moments We shared One Day

    Life Can Separate Lovers, Friends even Families
    But In The Heart They will always Be in There

    We Know People appreciate Them without Seeing Them
    Though They Affected Us Deep What Make Us Thankful


    البحث على جميع مواضيع العضو AhMeD El-Za3eEm

  3. افتراضي رد: jokesssss

    thankes za3eem for your passing u r welcome



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