برنامج Wireless connection monitor برنامج لمراقبة وتسجيل كل مايحدث على الشبكة

برنامج Wireless connection monitor برامج مراقبة الشبكات ومتابعه كل مايدور فيها 2010 وهو احد البرامج الرائعه والمفيدة والمطلوبة للكثيرين في مجال ادارة الشبكات ومعرفة كل معلوماتها بشكل واسع يمكنك الحصول على اصدارات احدث وافضل من برامج شبكات من اليكس فقط

Are you experiencing intermittent Wireless network problems? Does your computer keep disconnecting from your Wireless network? Are you continuously losing your Wireless connection for no apparent reason? Wireless connection monitor can help!
Wireless connection monitor was developed to be a Windows desktop application that continuously monitors the status of your Wireless network connection and ensures that your computer remains connected to your network at all times.
Wireless connection monitor sits in you system tray and required no user interaction. In the event your Wireless connection drops, Wireless connection monitor will automatically reset your Wireless connection!

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